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Every chance she got, Nieve would pester you about who you were texting all the time. You knew she would find out eventually, but for now, it was kind of fun to hide it. It felt like back in middle school in America, when your friends would pester you about which boy you had a crush on, and you would all giggle and whisper to each other about it. 

It was nice. 

For the next few days, you and Alex texted back and forth, early in the mornings when you were going to school and late into the nights - when he wasn't streaming of course. You talked about everything and nothing - sent each other stupid memes and videos but long conversations about meaningful things. 

By the end of the week, he easily held the title of the person who knew you best, even above your friends and family back in America. 

You just felt like you could talk to him about anything. He was funny and smart and always had something nice to say. You were incredibly lucky that he had walked into work that day, and that he had decided to text you back. 

You smiled to yourself as headed back to the kitchen behind the counter, grabbing the to-go bag with a customer's order stapled to it, and bringing it back to the woman waiting by the counter. 

"Here you go ma'am." You said, sliding the bag across the counter for her. 

"Thank you." She nodded politely, handing you the amount she owed in exchange. You popped it in the register as she headed out of the store. 

"Have a nice day!" You called after her, turning to help the next customer. You were busy taking his order when the door opened again, and you didn't look up to see who walked into the store. You ran a few more orders back to the kitchen before you finally saw who was standing in front of the register. 

Alex grinned at you and adjusted his beanie to cover his hair more. "Hi."

Your heart swelled at the sight of him. "How did you know I was working?" You asked with a smile. 

"You were working now when you wrote your number on that cup so, lucky guess." He said. 

"Well, I'm happy you dropped in." You said, grabbing the notebook. "What can I get for you?"

Alex scanned the menu scrawled on the chalkboard behind you before deciding, "Make it a surprise."

You grinned, scribbling down your favorite dish. "Okay. Eating in or to go?"

"When's your next break?" Alex asked with a grin. 

You smiled, the butterflies rolling around in your stomach, as you glanced behind you at the clock that hung over the door to the kitchen. You had been planning to take your break in thirty minutes, but it couldn't hurt to take it early, and you were sure Antonio wouldn't mind. 

"I can take it now and we can sit together, if you want." You said. 

"Sounds great." Alex said, digging out his wallet. "How much?"

"It's on me." You said, waiving the costs. 

"Y/N, I can pay-" Alex tried again.

You dismissed the argument with a wave of your hand. "Employees get a certain number of free meals anyway, and I've barely used mine, so it's fine, really."

Alex dropped his wallet back into his pocket. "If you insist."

"There's a table around the corner that has a nice view." You said, nodding to the left. "I'll be over in a few."

Alex smiled once more and meandered off in the direction you had pointed him in. You grinned to yourself as you took his order back to the kitchen, and told Antonio that you would be taking your break earlier. As expected, he didn't really care one way or another, and sent Sophia to take your place at the register. Soon enough, the dish you had selected for Alex was done, and you grabbed it, bringing it out and around the corner. 

Alex was sitting at a table for two by the window, scrolling on his phone. You set the plate down in front of him and slid into the seat across from him with a smile.

Alex looked down at the dish you had selected. "A botana platter?" 

You nodded. "It's my favorite thing here." 

Alex popped some into his mouth and chewed for a bit. "That's pretty good." He said, eating some more. 

You grinned. "Yeah I thought so too." You let him eat for a moment before speaking again. "So, any specific reason for coming to see me?"

Alex shrugged. "I didn't have anything going on, and we hadn't really gotten to like sit down and talk to each other in person yet, so... I just wanted to see you, I guess."

You tried to calm the butterflies in your stomach. "That's sweet." You said. "It was a nice surprise."

Alex smiled. "Good, I was worried you were going to be super busy or something and not want to sit down-"

"In what universe would I not want to take a break and talk to you?" You interrupted with a laugh.

Alex laughed a little as well. "I mean, I figured, but you can never be sure..."

"Feel free to assume." You said. 

"Then..." Alex led in. "Can I assume that you're actually kind of freaking out on the inside right now?"

You laughed. "Is it obvious?"

He glanced down at your fingers. "You keep playing with your rings."

Your fingers froze. You hand't even noticed that you had been doing it, but scanning back through the past fifteen minutes, he had been right. Subconsciously, you had been fiddling with them since he walked in. 

"Give me a break, yeah?" You laughed. "Pretty people make me nervous."

Alex giggled a little, his cheeks tinged the slightest pink. You stole a bit of the food from the platter in front of him and popped it into your mouth, grinning as you chewed.

"You've got to stop saying that man." Alex said. 

"Why?" You asked. "It's true."

His blush came back tenfold. "Because it makes me feel all weird!"

You just giggled and stole some more off his dish with a grin.

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