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The next morning, as you turned off your alarm you checked your messages. No texts from unknown numbers. 

You frowned, rolling over in your bed. Cute boy hadn't texted you. Either he had seen the number and just decided not to, or he hadn't seen it at all. Either way, there was a slight weight in your chest as you got up and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day. 

As watched your reflection in the mirror, you tried to convince yourself that it wasn't a big deal. You had seen him a total of one time, and your only interaction with him had been taking his order of coffee. The second thoughts you'd been having yesterday came cycling back - for all you knew he could have been some kind of weirdo. 

Maybe you had dodged a bullet.

You pushed the subject from your mind as you walked out into the rest of the apartment to grab something to eat. Nieve and Reyes had an early day today,  and had already left when you walked into the kitchen. Unfortunately, this meant none of Reyes' amazing cooking for breakfast, but there were leftovers in the fridge. 

You grabbed a tupperware and dumped it's contents on your plate, before heating them up. As the food warmed, you went back to your phone, checking the other texts you had gotten while you were asleep. A meme from Tercero was the first thing in your messages, and you responded with a smile. 

You grabbed your food and sat down at the island, eating quickly and catching up on all the texts from back home - your mom wanted to know how school was going, your roommate had asked if it was alright to move some of your stuff in the dorm around, and Senora Rosales had sent another email with helpful spanish tips.

You answered them all as you dropped your plate in the sink, grabbed your school bag, slipped on your shoes, and walked out the door. You started on your way to school, not bothering with music this morning. The first couple of days, you hadn't left the apartment without your earbuds, but now that you were more used to the area, you enjoyed the gentle sounds of everyone going about their mornings. There was a comfort in watching the same people preform the same routines every day.

You walked to campus and headed to your Classics class. Professor Bernal was easily your favorite teacher so far. He was charming and funny and helped you when you needed it - you had spent many an hour in his office, asking him what certain words meant and where things fell in Mexican history to help you understand the class. 

As you walked into the hall, you waved to the Professor, smiling before you took your seat next to Tercero.

"Morning." He said. 

"Morning." You repeated, pulling your notebook out of your bag and opening it up to where you left off last class. You glanced over at Tercero. "You look tired."

He grinned, rubbing his eyes. "That's probably because I am tired. Rough day yesterday."

You frowned. "Work, or..?"

 "Yeah, work." Tercero said. "There was a group of 23 that wanted to be sat without a reservation yesterday and I just..." He rubbed at his forehead again, sighing. "And there were about ten kids... anyway, how was your yesterday?"

"Normal." You said. "Work was slow, but I like it better that way. Gives me time to work through the readings." Cute boy leapt to the forefront of your mind again. "Actually, it was a little different."

"Oh yeah?" Tercero asked. 

"Yeah." You said. "There was this really cute guy that came in and I wrote my number on his cup but he-"

In your pocket, your phone buzzed. You looked down, pulling it out. 

One new text from an unknown number.

hi. you wrote your number on my cup yesterday

"Oh my god, he just texted me." You said, a wide grin spreading over your face. 

Something in Tercero's expression changed. "That's crazy."

You curled your fingers around the edge of your phone debating back and forth with yourself whether or not to text back right away. Did you want to seem cool and uncaring? Was texting back right away showing interest, or that you could be clingy?

"Should I text him back?" You asked. 

"That is how texting works." Tercero said. 

You fingers hovered over the keyboard. What was something good to say?

hi, im y/n

i didnt think you would actually text me this is so cool

You hit send before you could have any second thoughts. Professor Bernal took his place at the front of the classroom, starting the lesson for the day. You set your phone aside, marking down the date and the lesson topic in your notebook.

It was about ten minutes into the lesson that your phone buzzed again. Your eyes and Tercero's both snapped to the device as you picked it up. Another text from the cute boy.

ofc i was gonna text the cute cashier who wrote their number on my cup tf

im alex btw

In your chest, your heart fluttered and you saved the contact under his name - with a few additions in form of a coffee cup and heart emoji of course. His name was Alex. Your heart swelled. 

Even his name was cute.

You typed a response back.

im flattered

btw i think youre really cute too

You flicked your phone off nervously and copied down what the Professor was showing on the board. Already this whatever it was was going better than any attempt at flirting you'd endeavored on back at home. Maybe it was the air.

Or maybe it was the fact that somehow, your inhibitions were lowered here. 

It wasn't even five minutes before your phone buzzed again and a new text from Alex popped up on the screen.

i look like a greasy rat what are you talking about

You giggled quietly, texting him back.

liar youre adorable

It went like that for the rest of class - you half halfheartedly paying attention to the notes and the content, and texting Alex. By the end of the class, you had to ask Tercero to see his notes, but you knew Alex had a cat and that his favorite thing to do was play video games. 

Hopefully your grade wouldn't suffer too much.

SUMMER HEARTS // Quackity X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now