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I see that the gryphon that Ed is riding lands on the tower. Ed uses his torch to signal that it is clear. Lizzy, Susan, Caspian, and I get carried off the ground by our own gryphon. 

I then signal that there is a soldier there. I look at Caspian as the gryphon flies close to the soldier and let's one of Caspian's arm go while he uses his free arm to kill the Telmarine soldier with his sword.

The gryphon grabs him again as I see Susan look at a soldier aiming his crossbow at Ed. She aims with her bow and arrow and kills the soldier. We land as a soldier comes to Lizzy and I. We both quickly slice both soldiers in the face, killing them.

I look at her with a smile; realizing how much I missed fighting side by side. We tie a rope on one of the towers to climb down to the window which, according to Caspian, is the Professor's study.
Caspian climbs down first, then Lizzy, and then I. 

I was right next to Lizzy when suddenly I see her foot slip. I quickly grab her by the waist and hold her close to me, not letting her fall. She looks at me and whispers, "Thank you, your majesty."

With a smile, I kiss her softly; enjoying our little moment. Susan clears her throat and says, "Hurry up, lovebirds. I am not going to hold on much longer."

I chuckle as Lizzy and I step in with Caspian, giving me a death glare. I don't blame him. He is Lizzy's big brother and he wants to protect her too.

Caspian goes up to her and says, "Are you alright?"

She nods at him and hugs him. He smiles at her and then notices glasses on the study table Guessing it is the Professor's, he says, "I need to help him."

I look at him with a glare. "You don't have time. You need to get to the gatehouse."

He looks at me angrily as he says, "You wouldn't be here without him and neither would I."

I look at Susan as she says, "You and I will deal with Miraz."

I nod as Caspian says, "And I will still make it to the gatehouse in time."

Before he leaves Lizzy says, "Brother wait. I'm going with you." He turns to her and smiles thankfully but I quickly say, "No. It's to dangerous. I want you next to me."

She turns to me and smiles as she comes up to me, and gives me a soft reassuring kiss to not worry. She pulls away as she says, "I'll be fine. I will see you at the gatehouse."

I nod as she runs off with Caspian. Susan looks at me with a smirk that makes me roll my eyes and say, "Come on."

We start walking opening doors, silently trying to find Mirazs room but suddenly I hear Caspain's voice. I look at Susan and tell her, "Get ready."

She nods as we barge in right when Miraz's wife says, "Caspian. I don't want to do this." Holding a crossbow up at Caspian with Lizzy next to him. Susan then aims her arrow at Mirazs wife and says in a strong and firm voice, "Neither do we."

I look at Caspian as panic runs through my veins. "What are you doing? You're supposed to be at the gatehouse!"

He screams with anger saying, "No! For once we want the truth." He continues pressing his sword closer to Miraz's throat with anger. "Did you kill our father?"

Miraz chuckles and says, "I knew this day would come and hello my dear niece."

I see Lizzy clench her fists with anger at her uncle as Caspian holds his sword to his throat, never letting go. I blanked out of the conversation as I just look at Lizzy. She looks at me and I shake my head, telling her to calm down.

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