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I look at Miraz that is sitting on his throne waiting for me to start the duel. I turn to Edmund as I unsheath my sword with all the Narnians cheering for me. Before I go, I turn to Lizzy that has fear in her eyes looking at Miraz.

I grab her cheek and turn her softly to me. "Hey. Everything will be alright. I promise."

She looks at me as she sighs and says, "Its just....he took everything from me. First he killed my father, tried to kill my brother, and now he might kill you, too."

I take her hands and say, "Hey. I will survive to come back to you. I promised, didn't I?" She smiles at me and leans in to kiss me. This kiss gives me more energy and bravery to come back for her. For my love. We pull away as I kiss her forehead and say, "I love you."

She smiles and says, "I love you more."
I walk out to where Miraz is at. We circle each other as he says, "How many more are going to die today?"

I give him an angry glare as I say with firmness, "Just one!"

I run up to him as I jump on a rock and strike him first, but he uses his shield to block my strike. We circle each other a little longer until he strikes me, but I block it with my sword. He trips me on the ground as he tries to strike me with the sword, but I roll on the ground moving out of the way of his strikes until I can make him trip.

I get up back up, grab my sword, and cut his leg. He cries in pain. I quickly grab his shield that he had, and twist his arm with his shield. He elbows me in the face as I fall to the ground. He comes and steps on my shield, making a painful noise come out of my shoulder.

I cry out in pain. I can hear Lizzy's concern voice. "Peter!"

I see Edmund holding her back as she tries to get to me. I get back up and notice Caspian arriving with my sister on a horse, but no Lucy.

Miraz looks at me and says, "Does your highness need a respite?"

I look at him tiredly and say, "5 minutes?"

He glares at me and says,"3!"

I nod as I head to where Lizzy is, desperate to feel her warmth and hold. She comes running to me with fear in her eyes. She hugs me slightly; avoiding my arm. She pulls away and connects our lips together. I feel the pain of my arm disappear with only her touch.

She pulls away as I smile at her. She studies me and says, "Are you alright?"

I look at her with a smirk and say, "I am now."

She smiles at me but I can still see that fear in her eyes as she says, "Sit."

Ed brings out a stool for me to sit at. I sit, but cry at the pain of my arm. I look at Ed and say, "I think it's dislocated."

Ed comes to the side as Lizzy comes to the other side of me. Ed turns to Lizzy and says, "Distract him."

Lizzy nods and Ed says, "On three. One...Two....Three."

As he pops my arm back, Lizzy connects our lips once more. She really knows how to distract me.

She pulls away and smiles at me with a wink. I chuckle and say, "You're really good at this, aren't you? You should be a doctor."

She chuckles as she says, "Shut up."

Ed then mutters to me, "Smile."
I turn and look at all the Narinians watching from afar with worry. So I raise my sword, forcing a smile as all Narnians cheer for me. 

I turn back to Miraz this time, he strikes me first as I continue to fight hard. Our swords meeting every time with a lot of force and anger. He snatches my sword as he starts to fight with both. Suddenly I remember his weak spot. I cut his leg.

I get back up and hit his leg with so much strength to make it hurt. He falls on to his knees as he says with wide eyes, "Respite! Respite!" I stand to give him a hand and help him up.

I hear Ed behind me say, "Now is not the time for chivalry Peter!" I put my fist down, ready if Miraz attacked back as I turn to walk.

I then see Lizzy's wide eyes as she says, "Peter, look out!"

I turn back as Miraz tries to kill me, but I use his sword and move my arms in different ways that makes him lose control of the sword. I grab it and stab him under the arm.

I keep his sword high as Miraz is on his knees. He smirks and says, "What's wrong boy? To cowardly to take a life?"

I give him an angry glare as I say, "It's not mine to take."

I stretch my hand with the sword to Caspian. Lizzy looks at her brother as she nods for him to get his revenge. Caspian takes the sword from my hand as I grab my sword and shield, and walk back to Lizzy. She looks at me proudly for the first time since I came back. I go up to her and kiss her lips as warmth and love takes over me. I pull away and say, "I told you I would come back to you."

She chuckles and shakes her head as she says, "I love you, Peter."

I look at her with so much love as I say, "I love you more."

We lean in for another kiss, but get interrupted when we hear the council member scream, "Treachery! They lied! They killed our king!"

I see one of Susan's arrow stabbed at the king. Suddenly I knew the battle has started.

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