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You were coming home with your bag on your back and your shoes soaked, for you coming home with soaked shoes were normal, as in your community it rained a lot.

You gently knocked on the door, signaling someone to let you in. A lady with dark brown hair opened the door, she was your mother, "Come in sweetie" she said in a soft tune. "How was school?" she asked, you were feeling grumpy and had no intention of answering your mother so you went straight to your room.

Your mother understood what you were going through so she did not yell at you for not answering.

You took off your shoes and threw them roughly against the wall and yelled, "Ugh why does life have to be so stressful!" your mother knocked on the door softly wanting to enter, "Sweetie are you okay?" she asked, feeling a little guilty you opened the door and gave her a little smile and said

"Yes mom I'm fine", she smiled back at you and said "Dinner will be ready in a bit", "Okay mom" you said as you closed the door.

You changed out of your uniform and headed to the bathroom to take a shower, you turned on the shower at a warm temperature, feeling the warmth of the water on your skin made you happy and comfortable.

After a thirty-five-minute bath you turned the shower off and got your towel, you slowly wiped your soft skin with the towel and then headed to your room.

You sat on your bed looking outside your window, a small sigh escaped your breath, you felt a bit worried about something but not knowing what it was.

You decided to ignore the feeling and got changed, a few minutes after you have finished changing your mom called, "y/n dinner's ready!".

You slowly walked out of your room and arrived at the kitchen, "thank you mom" you said in a soft tune, you went to your seat and sat there.

As you were eating, the weird feeling came back to you and that caused you to lose your appetite, "I'm not hungry anymore, may I be excused?" you asked looking down on your food, "Is everything okay sweetie?" your mom asked looking at you confused cause you normally finish your meal.

"Yes mom everything is okay" you said "I'm just not hungry anymore" "Okay then you may go" your mom said as she turned and continued chopping some carrots.

You ran up to your room and locked the door, "what is this feeling... it doesn't feel right" you said looking around your room. You again tried to ignore it, you laid on your bed looking at the ceiling, the feeling kept coming back and the more it came the more terrified you felt.

"Ugh just go away!" you moaned trying to push back your tears, you decided to listen to some music but as you slowly put your headphones on you saw something outside.

You trembled and your curiosity got stronger, without hesitation you climbed out through your window to see what it was but you realized the closer you went towards it the further it moved.

You were getting mad and that caused you to start running, still not knowing what you were running after you decided to yell at it, "hey! Do you mind stopping for a bit!" you got so irritated you started running faster than you ever thought you could.

You were finally catching up with the thing, so you ran faster and faster, until you reached a dead-end and you saw nothing.

"What the heck! I swear I was running after something..." you said looking around to see if the thing might be hiding, "crap I'm going home" you said slowly walking back home, but the feeling made you stop, not only was the feeling bothering you but now you could hear voices in your head.

"W-what i-is this..." you said starting to cry "make it stop!!!" you screamed while falling to your knees.

A man from the café store heard you and ran as quickly as he could to you, the man saw you on the ground wiping like a baby, "miss are you alright??" the man asked while helping you get up, at that same moment the feeling went away so did the voices, you finally could think straight.

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