I Love You

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"Oh to be yours," Hisoka kisses my neck gently, "how utterly delightful."

I adjust myself on the couch, making it more difficult for the magician to reach me. However, seeing him aggravated is rather enjoyable.

"Oh darling," he grunts as I move, "you wouldn't want to upset me now, would you?"

I stare at him blankly, "Mm."

He immediately pulls away and looks me dead in the eyes, "Illu, what's wrong my love."

I sigh and look to the side.

"Oh lovely, lovely, lovey," he whispers, cradling my cheek softly, "I'm here."

When I turn my eyes burn, a slight sting that wouldn't usually be noticeable, "What if you leave."

A pair of strong hands grip my shoulders, "Never."

"But what if-."

He cuts me off with a kiss. Holding me my body in a caring embrace. "You are forever mine and I forever yours."

Liquid falls from my eyes as I hold Hisoka back. "I l-lo-v."

He rubs my face with a gentleness he doesn't usually have. "You don't have to say it yet, take your time."

"Just know I do feel that way," my voice is soft and unsure, but I mean what I say.

He twists a piece of my hair, "Of course, but don't feel pressured to say it.. I know you're still growing from what happened."

I throw my head onto his shoulder and let out all the sobs I'd been holding in. "L-ov-e."

I feel something wet drip onto my own shoulder. "Hisoka, I- I- I love you."

The words fall from my lips as I let myself succumb into the other's loving touch. Expecting all of his love, this feeling I'd been deprived all of my life.

It was magical.

"Illu," Hisoka kisses my check and leans back to check on me, "I love you so much."

Something closely resembling a smile graces my face. I feel.. happy?


I feel so wonderful, those are the only words I could truly use.

For this man had given me something I'd been hidden from, the true meaning of love. The soft embrace of someone caring.

I love you.

"I want to feel this way forever."

I look at the magician, he holds my face softly. "Oh my lovely Illu, forever."

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