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The meeting was held in America's country. Like usual, the nation was running late. Fights had already broken out between France and England, even Turkey and Greece found time to fight. Italy scribbled some drawings down while kicking his legs happily, unlike his brother who was scowling with his arms crossed. Japan watched Italy and commented on his drawings every now and then. The meeting was just a few minutes away from starting and everyone knew the nation wouldn't get there before it starts.

Suddenly, a woman walked in; she had black hair that was tied in a pony tail, freckles that were sprinkled onto her tan skin, a red bandana that was hung loosely from her neck, a white dress shirt that was tucked into black jeans, and black dress shoes. Compared to what mostly everyone else was wearing for this important meeting, she looked slightly overdressed.

The woman walked over to America's seat and sat down without taking any notice to all the eyes on her. No one made a sound as the nations stared at her in confusion, while she scanned through some papers before setting them down. Slowly, she looked at her phone and then to the nations. "Shouldn't the meeting start now," she asked patiently, her voice coated with a thick Southern United States accent.

Germany finally found his voice, "Who are you?" The other nations mumbled things that were similar to Germany's question.

Without hesitation, she responded. "I'm America's temporarily replacement. I used to represent the Confederacy, but now I just represent the South. So, I'm just the other America." The nations stared at her, their jaws dropped.

"But, isn't the Confederacy dead? How can you even be alive?" England tried to understand how she could even exist.

"Simple. America spared me from death and is letting me live. We're closer than before, trust me."

No one really wanted to believe her nor trust her, but they did have many questions. However, Germany started the meeting before any voices could be heard. Confederacy took notes and paid as much attention as possible. Every now and then, she would type something on her phone before continuing to participate in the meeting.

It didn't take too long for everyone to act like they usually do during a meeting; well, mostly everyone. The G8, China, Prussia, and Denmark were suspicious of her the entire time. Confederacy noticed them staring but ignored them, even though it made her obviously uncomfortable. Unlike the others, Canada, Mexico, and Lithuania kept giving the confused nation reassuring looks that helped her not snap at the others.

As the meeting progressed, England and France soon started their normal routine of fighting. Except, this time they were more aggressive, which caught Germany off guard. Now just imagine the meeting being worse than their normal ones because stuff got a whole lot more disastrous. This helped flame the fire that was the anger and chaos inside everyone, almost.

Belarus found this as a good time to terrorize Russia, which led to Ukraine trying to stop them, which led to many 'boing' sounds. The Baltic's got scared and tried to get away from the bloodthirsty Belarusian. Estonia used the Nordics to protect him. Turkey and Greece started a fight that Japan tried to break up. Romania and Hungary happily joined in having their own fight too. South Korea kept on bothering China, so Hong Kong and Taiwan tried to stop the younger nation from bothering China. Spain tried to talk to Romano, who of course, started yelling at him. To not make this too long, basically everyone got in fights, we're yelling, hiding, or just trying to sit through the thing they call a meeting.

Chairs were thrown, a fire started due to a specific witch *cough* England *cough,* some people cried from fear, two other magic users *cough* Romania and Norway *cough* tried to use their magic to curse Hungary and Denmark, and so on.

"Everyone! Shut up," a very angry German yelled towards the chaos that laid in before him. Fire was in his eyes from both anger and because the fire was close enough to where his eyes reflected it. Confederacy buried her head in her hands. She didn't except for things to get this bad. Everything America had told her about meetings finally made sense. "We are going to go into an intermission for one hour and thirty minutes for lunch. So at 1:00 p.m. or 13:00, everyone should be back in here."

Mostly everyone left, however, Confederacy, Canada, Mexico, Prussia, Denmark, Japan, Germany, the Italy twins, England, and France remained in the meeting room. Canada, and Mexico walked over the American woman who seemed to be in distress.

"Oh. My. Goodness," Confederacy muttered. Mexico and Canada were by her side, both nodded their heads in understanding. "It's always like this," Canada said, "even at the G8 meetings. It's good to take notes but it's really difficult to during the regular meetings."

"That explains even more why America complains so much about meetings. This is about to kill me and it's only halfway done." The two other North Americans softly laughed at her despair.

"Don't worry, Connie. If you think about it, you're just a few hours away from relaxing. Anyways, we have a one hour and a half break, so you don't have to suffer the entire time," Mexico said, trying to cheer her up.

The three North Americans started to leave the room, but Confederacy was pulled back into the room. The door closed before Mexico and Canada could get her back, and they immediately started to try and open the door. "What in tarnation," she blurted out.

"Don't don't freak out, redneck," England said, rudely, like he usually does, "we just want to know what's up with America."

"America-San has never had a replacement for meetings. Why is he suddenly not here," Japan politely asked. Confederacy's faced turned pale as her face turned from confused to fear.

"That ain't none of your business. There ain't nuttin' you need to know."

"Did you kill America," Denmark asked.

"Did you? Because that's so unawesome to do," Prussia added.

Confederacy shook her head. The door behind her shook more and more. Both Canada and Mexico could be heard yelling. The nations who snatched her decided to let her go and open the door.

"Just so you know, we have our eyes on you," England said aggressively.

Connie bolted out of the room and halfway ran as Canada and Mexico tried to catch up her. "What happened back there?" Canada was trying to say in between breaths as they slowed down.

"Those Europeans are crazy! I ain't done nuttin' and they're thinking I killed America! I would never do such a thing," she huffed angrily.

Both males face palmed, of course the Europeans and Asian were immediately concerned about America, but they handled it the wrong way. As they were talking about what happened, Lithuania noticed them and happily met with them.

"Hello, Connie," he said respectfully "it's nice to see you here."

Confederacy nodded, "It's been a while Lithuania. How's you Baltic's holding up?"

"Eh, it's normal. Estonia still won't quit trying to join the Nordics and Latvia is still being way too honest with Mr. Russia." He laughed nervously while halfway closing his eyes.

After the two caught up, Canada interrupted them. "Hey, how about we all get lunch? We still have time," he suggested. The other three agreed and they made their way to a same deli nearby to eat at. Their lunch went smoothly and didn't encounter any other nations. Before they knew it, they had about ten minutes left before the second part of the meeting started.

After they got back and it started, less fights broke out and went by smoother than the first half. It wasn't long before it was time to leave. Confederacy, Mexico, Canada, and Lithuania wanted to talk more so they decided to hang out at America's/Confederacy's place. What they didn't know was that some nations followed them back to the USA duo's house.

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