Wait What Now?

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"We're here!" Confederacy was the first to get out. The other nations exited the car and made their way into the 3 story mansion. All around them was trees, a pond, and dirt roads which the main dirt road went on for about 17 meters or before turning around to form a circle back into its self. If they weren't already used to the house, they would've stood there in awe, which is exactly what the nations did that followed them, except they were spying on them.

Who were the ones that thought they could spy on over fifty people? It may be a surprise but the idiots who chose to do so is Denmark, Prussia, the Italy twins, Japan, China, England, France, Russia, and Germany. Yeah, ten people can't hide that easily on a property that over fifty people live on. Thankfully no one goes as far as ten feet outside their house, oh wait, people actually go outside.

"Who are we spying on," a strange young female voice asked from behind them. She looked to be about fifteen and wore the same bright smile that America wears all the time. She had long golden hair, tan skin, blue eyes that were almost hidden by sunglasses that were on the top of her nose, a blue tank top, dark blue jeans, and white flip flops.

All ten of the idio- nations jumped and looked at her in horror. Quickly, she scooted next to them, a mischievous but childish look stuck on her face. "Who- who are you?" Germany asked as a very terrified Italy hung onto him. She didn't answer answer, instead, she asked what they were doing.

"Cali! Where are you?" a boy called out. They only saw the black tennis shoes and brown jeans of the boy as he passed by the bush.

"Oh no," Cali whispered. She crawled out of the bush and left the nations behind. It was quiet except the sounds of them breathing and faint footsteps.

"Found you," the same boy called out. He ran back past the push. Cali let out a little "ahh" before running away. The two young teenagers started laughing. Unlike those two, the nations sat there, still horrified. They tried to leave but were met with a tall female.

She looked younger than both America and Confederacy, but looked close to their ages. She had beige skin, blonde hair in a low bun, angry brown eyes, and was wearing a business suit. She scowled at the ten of them and crossed her arms. "You're coming with me," she said bluntly.

They obliged and followed the woman. Most of the group hung their head in shame how the others admired the nature. After walking around the house, they saw the nations they followed and America. The backyard was huge and stretched on for who knows how far. There was plenty of chairs, some were around the huge in-ground pool. What they didn't see was the three states who were happily talking to their expected guests.

America turned and head towards the woman who was leading them over to them. His face turned from happy to anger. None of them have ever seen that type of anger except for England and Japan. That look sent chills down their spines and the poor Italy brothers freaked out.

He said something to the others and they turned around. For once, they actually saw true anger and disbelief on Canada's face. America signaled to the woman to talk inside as she motioned them in the building. They passed the three states on their way inside. However, they didn't get a good look at them, but two of them looked like young children how the other one looked like an older teenager.

Canada and Confederacy stood behind the angry American. The nations were off to the side, all awkwardly standing there. "DC, you have to be kidding me. So they were just spying on us?"

The District of Columbia personification nodded her head. "Yes, I just came back to work and was going to the back, but then I saw those people just there." How they were talking, the nations actually took this time to admire the room they were in. It looked like a living room that was made for tons of people. It was huge, it had several couches, chairs, and several TVs which all had the same of each console. Pictures were hung up of different people who looked to be between the ages six and seventeen, besides the pictures of Canada, America, and Confederacy.

It was a lot to take in, however, it was something they had to take in because of their stupid decision. That decision, however, is going to make them not be trusted for a while, well, a long while. "-so I'll just talk to my boss, well, our boss," America flatly said.

Confederacy, Canada, and DC nodded. "I can contact them," DC suggested. The American thought for a bit and agreed to let the seventeen year old call the president. She quickly hurried out of the room and proceeded to call.

As soon as America turned to the uninvited nation, the immediately looked away. "I'm sorry," Italy somewhat yelled. "We won't do it again! We're really sorry!" That didn't seem to convince America as he just stared at them with a frown still on his face. Just now, did they realize that the superpower looked tired.

He sighed and brought his finger up to his temples. "What you dudes did was not okay at all. You walked in on private property! Didn't you see the sign out there and the gate? My place is so off limits to you guys and you just spied on us." America didn't seem to want to believe that the one thing that absolutely had to stay a secret was now exposed.

DC came back and whispered something to America. "Really? Okay." Nothing else was said as the two of the exited the room. Mexico, Lithuania, and the three unknown states were able to be seen from inside. All of them were watching them.

They actually got a good look at the states now. The oldest looked to be about 16. He had blonde that covered one of his eyes, ivory skin, and had a bored look on his face. The New York Yankees hat that laid on his head have away that he represented New York. If that didn't give it away, the "I <3 New York" t-shirt that wasn't completely covered by his leather jacket should've gave it away. Also, he worse ripped jeans and sneakers. Sadly, none of the uninvited nations could put two and two together and realize that boy represented New York, even England couldn't figure it out.

Both of the younger states looked to be around six or seven. The girl had an olive parka on with tan fur that hid most of her away. She had tawny brown skin and black hair that was in a braid.  Small fluffy boots and layered pants completed her look. The boy, however, had a honey skin tone, short black hair that carried a flower crown, and loose clothing, such as a t-shirt and khaki shorts with flip-flops. Both of the younger states looked away in fear when they saw the nations looking back at them. The older one, instead, gave them the middle finger.

"Wow. However that is, he is acting so unawesome," Prussia complained. Denmark hummed in agreement.

"At least we don't have to stay in this awful place," Romano said, looking away from the others.

"I wanna go home," Italy fearfully said to Germany.

The German man sighed. "I can't do anything. What we do is up to our bosses, as what we did could be harmful for America. We just have to see what our bosses want us to do."

As soon as he finished talking, his phone rang, then Japan's, France's, England's and so on. Each nation answered, all having the same scared and surprised expression on their face. DC and America walked back in at the right time to experience the combined reaction to the news.

"S-so were staying here for a while," Italy's shaken voice could be heard talking to the American.

"I'm afraid so. Your bosses will get your stuff and send it all over soon. Because of you guys actions, we all have to suffer," his voice was cold and filled with anger. "But, we'll just have to make the best out of it! Me, DC, Canada, Lithuania, and Mexico will show you guys your rooms after some house rules! So, follow me."

Each nation followed the superpower as DC went back to tell the states about what was happening, before quickly running back to catch up. Little do they know, this household is more chaotic than they feared.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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