Chapter 7: Percy Weasley?

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(Amara's Pov)

After my rounds yesterday, I managed to walk by Percy a few times...He would always greet me with a half-smile and I always couldn't help but blush and smile shyly...I don't know why I'm feelin this way and why now...

I mean I guess it has to do with the fact he helped me yesterday and I guess I've grown attached to the fact that he was the only one who did help me...I don't know...It's just me and Draco aren't the same anymore so I guess because he helped me I can trust him when I panic again...although he doesn't seem like the feelin/affectionate type so I feel like he'd be weirded out if I hugged him or latched on to him for comfort like I did with Draco...

Anyways but I had trouble sleepin that night because I was thinkin of Percy...I started to reminisce my first year comin here and started to think of my now new friends...I remember before the sortin ceremony when Draco tried to make amends with Harry into becoming friends with him and Harry denied and Draco made fun of Ron for bein Poor...

I hid behind him durin that cause all I ever was hide behind Draco for the first few years because not only was I very shy and not good with people but that's when the abuse started so I was scared of everythin...I remember Draco always bein jealous of Harry for bein 'The Chosen One' and havin more attention than most kids...

I remember Draco pickin fights with the trio and getting detention and callin them names...I remember when he called Hermione a 'Filthy Mudblood' for the first time and brought her to tears that she refused to let fall...I cried durin that cause even as a child my brother was SO harsh to most kids...I remember him bein the new seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch team and again pickin fights with the Gryffindors.

I remember in second and third year where him, Crabbe and Goyle just got meaner...continued to tease the trio, push and shove kids around that got in his way...and yet his mood changed so fuckin fast whenever I got hurt or scared or when I cried and had panic attacks...and yet...I was never his first priority...he seemed to care more about the Malfoy name and reputation and care about hurtin others than me...his own baby sister who's been so traumatized that it's hard to get up in the mornin, hard to go to school, hard to sleep and eat and be so terrified to go back home where all of that nightmare started...

Now bein in my 5th year...I finally made friends with the people I wanted to make friends with since first year but I couldn't and my brother would never and I never thought they liked me because I was a Malfoy...hell no one fuckin does because I'm a Malfoy...but now maybe I have a chance to just be me and try and get better and leave the Malfoy name, family and reputation...I'm not sure how well that'll go but...I won't survive any longer with my family...I won't...

Anyways, it was Saturday meanin we had a Quidditch game later today, Slytherin vs Gryffindor. My brother isn't on the Quidditch team anymore because Harry kicked his ass at all the games so he quit...such a sore loser...I sat up and sighed as I looked at the time seein it was 10am. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I hopped out of bed stretchin and yawnin.

I didn't bother to change as I was wearin sweats and a jumper. I just slid on my shoes and headed out of my room and just straight out of the common room not carin about who was there and who was not. I headed up to the Great Hall seein the others including Ron's siblings which made me blush and smile softly as I walked over to them.

They looked at me and smiled as I sat by Hermione and Ginny "Mornin Amara" Hermione greeted, I smiled tiredly and yawned "I guess someone's not a mornin person" Fred said, I smiled and rolled my eyes "I'll be lucky I get sleep at all so you'd be correct" I said, everyone frowned a bit "How are you this mornin?" Harry asked,

I shrugged "as good as can be" I said as I grabbed some coffee, "you excited for the Quidditch game today?" Ron asked, I shrugged "not really my thing...I might just hang out in the library for a it's always so loud and if you guys remember I don't do loud noises so" I said,

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