Chapter 13: LEAVE HIM NOW!

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*This is short, my apologies, I tried to make it longer but couldn't figure out how so enjoy?*

(Amara's Pov)

There's no way the others knew...How did he find out? There's no way! "H-How did you know?" I asked and tried to play back how there's a way he found out...Me and Percy have been so careful...there's no way...Did he find out I wasn't in my room the other night? Did he see me run out of the Great Hall and Percy chase after me? Sure, there were little hints but Draco couldn't have figured it out...could he have? Did he truly notice and I failed to realize it?

Draco scoffed "That's not important what's important is the fact that you went behind my back and dated a Weasley? The prat of all Weasley's?" He asked, I rolled my eyes "why does it matter to you?" I asked, he scoffed "I WILL NOT HAVE MY DIMWITTED SISTER RUIN THE MALFOY REPUTATION BY DATIN A STUPID POOR WEASLEY! SO LEAVE HIM IMMEDIATELY!" He shouted which made me flinch as I began to tremble a little...

Draco knows not to yell at me...He NEVER yells at me...but right now all I wanted to do was scream. I clenched my fists tightly tryin to regain what strength and power I had...I closed my eyes and sighed "What did you do to your hands?" Draco asked,

I looked at him like 'are fuckin kiddin me right now?' "Oh really now you stop to fuckin notice I'm hurt?" I asked harshly, he glared at me "I've always noticed Amara and I've tried to help you but all you do is push me away!" He shouted, I scoffed and chuckled "I PUSHED YOU AWAY BECAUSE YOU DON'T KEEP ME SAFE ANYMORE, YOU DON'T MAKE ME HAPPY ANYMORE!" I shouted,

He still looked angry and confused "You wanna know what I fuckin did Draco? I went outside durin lunch and I got so fuckin angry that I punched a tree till I fractured my wanna know why!?" I shouted, Draco's eyes widen as the sheer anger and pain that welled up inside of me but I have had it...I'm done... I just don't fuckin care anymore...

Every single fuckin day for the past 5 years has been nothin but absolute shit and pain...nothin but pain, anger, loneliness, depression, abuse and anxiety and now...I have a better family...a better life with the Weasley's, Harry and Hermione...

So I am DONE with the Malfoy family...I'm done with the abuse, I'm done with no one doin shit, I'm done with my mother, I'm done with my father and most of all...I am fuckin done with my pathetic brother whom I used to love and who used to protect me...

But now...everything's changed...we're not the same anymore and if I spend any fuckin longer in this family I'm actually goin to kill myself...So that's it...all this fuckin anger I had in for so long just needs to come here I am...letting it all out...I am done bein scared, I am done bein terrified and anxious...

It's time to fight fire with fire...I am a fuckin Malfoy "LOOK AT MY GODDAMN FACE AND TELL ME WHY! THIS RIGHT HERE IS ALL YOUR FUCKIN FAULT BECAUSE YOU CAN'T KEEP YOUR FUCKIN MOUTH SHUT BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO BE DADDY'S LITTLE PERFECT SOLDIER TO FOLLOW HIS EVERY DAMN MOVE BECAUSE YOU ARE NOTHIN BUT A FUCKIN COWARD TO STAND UP TO HIM! WELL GUESS WHAT DRACO I AM FUCKIN DONE AND GUESS WHAT? You DO NOT, get to tell ME what to do...and if you actually sat down and got to know the Weasley's you know that they are the most kindest people ever and I would rather spend my life with them then spend another fuckin day being a don't you ever EVER! Disrespect the man who has shown me more love than you or our parents EVER for what you're doin right now...Stop actin like you're my father..." I spat angrily as my body continued to tremble but I am NOT goin to sit back and let my idiotic brother treat what I call family like garbage.

Draco's eyes widen as I hit him back hard with the one thing he never wanted to be reminded of...our father. He just scoffed as his face was bright red with anger "Don't you ever compare me to him again" Draco pointed at me angrily with clenched fists. I smirked knowin I was pissin him off "Why? Startin to truly see how alike you both really are? Like father like wonder why you're such a coward you are pathetic!" I said smirkin evilly.

I was honestly really proud of myself for this...never in a million years would I think I would have the guts to stand up to my own brother...but I am DONE...I am not wastin my life bein weak...not's time he gets a taste of his own medicine.

Draco's face and eyes burned with anger as he threw his hand up and it came crashin down on my face which made me gasp as it knocked me to the floor...deep down I think I knew he was goin to hit me but I was so furious at this point that I didn't care...I was so fueled up with anger that at this moment I didn't care about the stingin feelin I felt across my face now he gets to feel the guilt knowin he just lost me forever...

(shitty chapter sorry!)

(1000 Words)

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