Chapter 12: Truth Found Out?

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(Amara's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to the pourin rain which made me sigh as I closed my eyes again just wantin to go back to sleep, but knowin me that'll never happen. I felt arms around my waist which made me blush and smile softly as I turned seein Percy was still asleep next to me.

I smiled and remembered last night which I guess he took me to bed and didn't bother with wakin me up for rounds which was sweet of him. I looked at the clock seein it was 6:30am which made me groan as I turned and snuggled against Percy just wantin to go back to sleep.

His arms tightened around my waist subconsciously which made me blush and smile softly as I rested my head against his chest listenin to his steady breathin and heartbeat. I was close to fallin back asleep until Percy groaned and fluttered his eyes open.

He chuckled a little once he saw me. He rubbed my head and back and kissed my head. I looked up at him and smile tiredly which made him smile as he caressed my cheek "Good Mornin love" He whispered, I smiled "Mornin Perce" I whispered, "Sleep good?" he asked, I blushed shyly and nodded "that's good. How are you feelin?" He asked,

I shrugged "Okay I guess...still feel icky but I can't afford to miss school again so I'll survive" I said, Percy nodded and kissed my head "if you need to leave just come back here okay?" he asked, I just nodded "I should head back to my dorm and get dressed" I said, Percy nodded and cupped my cheek "Can I kiss you?" he asked,

I smiled and nodded which made him smile as he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine which made me smile and kiss back. I always loved kissin him, it just made me feel better. The kiss was sweet, lingerin and passionate like always.

We both pulled away breathlessly and smiled softly "I'll see you later okay?" he asked, I just nodded as I hopped out of bed stretchin and yawnin and grabbed my robe and wrapped it around me. I quietly headed out of the Gryffindor house and quickly headed to the Slytherin house.

I walked in and thank god no one was awake yet. I made my way upstairs and to my room which made me sigh as I took off my robe and took off Percy's jumper and hopped in just regular jeans and a sweater of mine. I put back on robe and grabbed my books and sighed as I headed out of my room and downstairs seein Blaise and Draco.

Their eyes widen once they saw me. I rolled my eyes and set my books down for a moment as they walked up to me which made me flinch again cause now those instincts were back "A-Amara" Draco said, I glared at him "This if your fuckin fault" I said, he frowned "I'm sorry...I had no choice" he said, I scoffed "had no choice my ass, no you're just a fuckin all of this is on your fuckin congrats on gettin your sister killed cause that's where I'm headin thanks to you" I said as I grabbed my books and walked away.

My blood boiled as I stormed off to class, "Amara" I heard Blaise said, I scoffed and rolled my eyes "and what do you possibly want?" I asked, he sighed "what the hell happened to you?" He asked, I chuckled "Ya wanna know what happened? This is what it's like bein a Malfoy if you ever wondered" I said,

He looked confused for a moment then his eyes widen once it hit him "y-your father did that" He said, I scoffed "congrats you figured it out" I said sarcastically, he sighed "I'm sorry Amara. You shouldn't have to go through that" He said, I rolled my eyes "Yea well again welcome to bein a Malfoy" I said, he sighed "Just don't tell anyone...I'm as good as dead if any of this gets out" I said, he just nodded as I just walked off to my class...

I know people would be starin and I know people did...nothin but goddamn pity that's all it one actually cared unless it was my friends and boyfriend but other than one fuckin cares...and I frankly don't either...but it doesn't make anythin any better...

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