Chapter 4: Scared and....alone?

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After what felt like an eternity of walking, and getting lost around corners and turns of the studio, I realized that nearly everywhere I went, I thought I heard a few shuffling papers, and creaking doors. It seriously freaked me out. That's one way to make a person jumpy.
I also noticed black pipes filled with ink, hooked up to the upper walls in the hallway.


I continue on my way, and suddenly get scared shitless as a wooden board fell from the ceiling.


??? POV:

Watching her the whole time, I nearly cracked up laughing when she got spooked by a board falling. She sure was entertaining. I observed her as she hugged herself, turning down the left hallway. I stepped through an ink puddle, and traveled into the next room, where my deceased friend lay upright with his chest bare of internal inky organs. I didn't dare come out of the puddle. I merely watched through it, as though it were a window. I couldn't let the girl see me.

She entered the room, and gasped at the sight of the dead, life-sized cartoon wolf. Finally getting a view of her face, I watched as tears pricked her eyes, and she held a hand over her mouth. She was very clearly horrified.

"Oh, Boris!! W-What did they do to you??", she cried. Hearing her, I felt my inky heart clench painfully. She understood how I felt.
I felt the trickling tears of ink slip down my pale round face as I recalled the memories of my best friend.

(Y/n)'s POV:

How was there a life-sized 3D Boris?? He looked like his clothes and body had long withered away to a bulky, ink body that hardly resembled the shape of Boris.
I began to feel sick. How could someone do this to Boris?? But also, how did they make a 3D cartoon character made of ink?? Is that what the ink machine's purpose is? I couldn't stay in here any longer.

I entered a room that had small podiums lined up perfectly on either side, leading up to a wall that said "Ink Machine Main Power".

"I gotta start this somehow...maybe...maybe I can bring Boris back to life. He's made of solidified ink, right? Maybe all he needs is more ink..."

I turn and see the podiums, and their pictures.
I had seen those objects laying around. Unfortunately... one of them was sticking out of Boris' chest. The wrench. I sigh and made my way out of the room to retrieve it.

(??? POV):

I decided to lighten the mood by playing a prank on her. I sneakily placed a cardboard cutout of me there, hid, and watched. She came out and jumped, letting out a squeal of fright.

"Who put this here?! I know someone is here!!"
She called out with a shaky voice.

When I didn't answer, she ran to Boris, retrieved the wrench, and ran off once more. I could tell the poor doll was terrified.

~Time Skip: After Finding all pieces~

I made my way back to the room that looked like a mini theatre room. As I walked down the hall, a cardboard cutout of Bendy popped out. Of course, I jumped like a startled cat.

I held a hand over my racing heart, and went around the corner, seeing that the cutout was leaning against the wall, and beneath it, a puddle of ink.

"You just wanted to say hello, huh?"
I smiled a bit, placing a hand on it's shoulder, while my heart still heavily pounded. Of course, I received no answer. I thought I saw a gray tint appear on the cheeks of the cutout. Perhaps it was a trick of the light?
I shook my head, dismissing it as a trick of the lighting.

(???) POV:

I had slipped into a cardboard cutout so I could watch her. I had lost track of her momentarily, and used the cardboard cutout as a vessel, or disguise. She spotted me, and of course, was startled out of her wits. I quickly leaned back against the wall, and watched as she rounded the corner to stand in front of me. Not only that...but she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You just wanted to say hello, huh?"
She asked me. Of course, I didn't answer her. She was so beautiful. With soft (h/l) (h/c) locks of hair, and perfect (s/c) skin.
Unfortunately, I realized I was blushing softly.


Luckily, it appeared she didn't notice.
Perhaps it was time to show her someone else was here. I wasn't ready to show myself just yet, but I wanted her to know that I was present. I slipped out of the cutout, and down into the ink puddle. Quick as a bullet, I turned on the projector, and hid in another ink puddle.

(Y/N)'s POV:

As soon as I entered the Theatre, the projector turned on, playing a whistling version of the Bendy Show theme song on a loop.
Someone must be here. A projector can't turn on by itself! Someone has to be toying with me.
I huffed, and flipped on the switch to turn on the ink pressure. I was startled when ink burst from a pipe over head, flooding the floor. Now my shoes were dirtied with ink. At least the rest of my clothes were clean. Stepping across the mess, I continued on to start up main power. Once I made it, I stood before the switch. And like the SUPER smart person I am, I turn on the blasted ink machine.

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