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I woke up in a bed, not my bed, but it's a bed. The scenery wasn't what I would normally wake up to. The room was fairly dark with a very dim lamp by my bedside illuminating the whole room. To my left, was a window, and even closer to me was the nightstand the lamp was on. Other than that, there was nothing else to look at.

Looking outside my window gave me a scare. I could barely see with all the smoke and smog in the way, but from what I could see, wasn't pretty either. The whole sky was red and all the buildings either had some sort of damage done to them or had been completely destroyed. It looked like the setting you'd see from a zombie apocalypse movie. If there wasn't any destruction, then I would guess I'm in a city and I most likely woke up inside an apartment. I could faintly see my reflection in the window. I looked like I always did. I saw and felt a tear fall down from my right eye. Then from my other eye, a tear fell. Soon enough, the teardrops were coming down at a rapid pace. I was crying? But why? I took a few deep breaths and steadily calmed myself. I finally got to thinking straight again.

"Where am I?" I mumbled to myself. To make any progress finding the answer to that question, I had to find a way out of here. Right in front of the bed was an old, brown door that I hadn't noticed before, even though it was very obvious.

"How could I miss this?" When I opened the door, it creaked a bit but opened without any problems. Behind the door was a flight of stairs, both leading up and down, supporting my apartment theory. If I'm correct, these stairs should lead outside as long as the door hasn't been blocked off. Walking down them made me think about all the possibilities of what could have happened to me. I wasn't normally the type of person who would get good grades on their test, but thinking as fast as I was now, would've gotten me an A+. Could I have been kidnapped? No, that wouldn't explain why it looked like world war III outside. Am I dreaming? If I was dreaming then how could I be experiencing everything so vividly? Maybe I was a participant in a science experiment? But I never agreed to any experiment before. Did lose my memories? That seemed like the most likely right now, but how is that even possible?

After all that thinking, I found an end to the endless stairs. I was correct about there being a door leading to the outside. Luckily for me, it opened without a problem. When I expected fresh air, I got smoke in my lungs. Why did I think that? I clearly saw how dirty it looked outside. I guess that's just another example of how smart I am. Well, now I was outside, what now? This didn't help me understand anything like I expected. As if someone was listening to my thoughts, I got a text message from someone I didn't know. I didn't even realize I had my phone on me. In fact, I didn't even know I wasn't wearing pajamas. Staring at my phone, it might not have even been my phone. It didn't look like my phone at all. But I still read the message.


Where the fuck are you? 😡

I've been waiting for five minutes! 😤

I couldn't tell from the message who was texting me, but I had no choice but to text back.

Who are you?

And where are you?

Soon enough, I got a response from them.

Stop playing around 🙄

And I thought I told you to meet us on the roof 😒

I had to make a seemingly important choice. Either meet them on the roof of the apartment or to stay here. I thought meeting them up on the roof would be the smarter choice since I had no other leads on where I was. Maybe I could ask them where I was.

I'll be there shortly

Now I had to do the chore of walking all the way back up the stairs. I'm also not really the athletic type either but this wasn't as bad as what I normally did in gym. Truth be told, I didn't know how to get to the roof but I assumed that if I went past the room I woke up in then I could get there. I passed up my room and went even farther up this time. Soon enough I reached a metal push door. When I pushed on it, the smoke filled up my lungs again, but it was even worse than before. I'm no scientist but I believe it was because I was closer to the smoke which was from a few of the buildings that had been burnt down.

"Finally you're here." I heard a female voice that I recognized complain.
"Well, duh it's me. Who else could it be?"
"You got a fair point." That wasn't me answering her question, but I saw Mukuro standing near Junko, being very cautious of me like always.
"You were the one who texted me?"
"You don't have my number saved on your phone? I told you to do it! Why didn't you listen to me?!"

"I'm sorry Junko. But I must ask where am I?"
"Jeeze, you're acting both normal and not normal today. What happened to you while I was gone?"
"You left? I don't understand what you're talking about!"
"Junko...what happened to her? Can the effects of the video wear off?"
"Of course they can't, dumbass!" Junko rolled her eyes as she tried, but failed to hurt Mukuro in a low roundhouse kick. Just some normal things you see from them all the time.
"Well, I'm gonna be leaving for probably the rest of my life with Mukuro so you better behave yourself. And by behave I mean to go completely crazy destroying what's left of this city."
"Where are you two going?"
"Ugh, how many times do I have to tell you?! They're locking us up at Hope's Peak! We're gonna start the killing game there and it's gonna be soooo fun! Man, I wish I could take you with me so you could see all the despair I'm gonna bring. Don't worry though, I also have to leave your boyfriend behind so he'll stay with you if you can somehow convince him to."

"He's not my boyfriend!" I yelled without thinking. I didn't know who she was talking about but I said that anyway.
"There ya go! Acting normal again I see. But even if I was able to bring Kamukura, he would ruin the whole thing. Everyone would immediately be suspicious of him and he would tell them I'm the mastermind! Assuming Kamukura actually wants to come with, which he doesn't."
"Kamu-who's that? And what do you mean 'killing game'?! None of this makes any sense!"
"What's taking him so long to come here anyway? He should've come here before me. Ya know, I bet he's here spying on us." I still didn't know who this Kamukura guy was. And frankly, I didn't want to know, he sounded like trouble.

"Oh, there you are! We've been waiting for ten minutes!" Junko pouted. Apparently, there was someone standing behind us. The person who was was the person Junko called my boyfriend. The thing is, I don't have a boyfriend. I can't lie that I was curious to see what this boy looked like, maybe, the memory lost theory was true and we're actually a couple. But why did I snap at Junko refusing to believe that we are? It didn't make any sense, I needed to find answers ASAP. I turned around to look at the boy-

The Butterfly Effect | Izuru Kamukura x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now