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I woke up in my bed, this time, I know it's mine.

"What the fuck?" I panicked to myself. I thought I could easily rule out the possibility of that being a dream. I could recall everything in the dream perfectly, there's no way I was dreaming. I still had many questions though, I wish I at least stayed in there a bit longer. But nevertheless, I had school that day. As you might've already guessed, I go to Hope's Peak Academy as an Ultimate student. I've already explained how I wasn't too smart or physically active so how did I get here?

Believe it or not, I do have a talent worthy enough to get me here. I am the Ultimate Hypnotist. (long story don't ask) Anyway, back to the story. I made sure that I woke up in my pajamas for sure this time and then got ready in my uniform to go to school. If I told anyone about what happened they would think I'm insane, and there's a big chance this didn't even happen at all so that's great. Still dazed from the experience, I headed out. On my way to school, I saw Nanami playing on her console. She was one of my closer friend's at in my class, she was fairly cute and her face made me just want to pinch her cheeks for some reason.

"Hey, Chiaki!" I called out to her.
"Hey Y/n." She went back to playing her game. Chiaki wasn't known for participating in conversation when she's playing videogames, but I felt an urge to at least try to talk to her.
"Umm, do you go anywhere after school?" I tried to start a conversation, Chiaki continued to ignore me. But then she did the unexpected. She closed up the console, looked me dead in the eyes, and said:

"Would you like to come with me?" I don't think Chiaki had ever asked me, or anyone this before. If she was asking me this, than where she's going must be the coolest place on earth.
"I would love to come with you!"
"Great! Meet me at the front gates after school." I nodded and skipped the rest of the way back to class, anticipating my time with Chiaki.

After school ended, I went to meet Chiaki at the gate like she said.
"I can't believe you made it here before me." I chuckled, normally, Chiaki would never be early to anything except for a gaming convention.
"I'm just really excited to take you with." We kept walking until we got to the other campus. It was the campus of the reserve course students.
"Uh, Chiaki? Why are we here?"
"I don't know if you'll have fun, but I wanted to take you anyway." We kept walking a bit further until we got to a fountain. There was a boy sitting there, seemingly waiting for Chiaki. I've never seen this boy before, but I'm guessing that he's from the reserve course.

"Hey, Chiaki. Who did ya bring?"
"This is my friend y/n. I wanted to take her here. Y/n, this is Hajime Hinata. I go here every day after school to play video games with him." I shyly waved to Hajime. He waved back at me. She must really like this guy if they hanged out everyday. I wonder how they met...For some reason, this boy felt familiar. I know I've never met him before, but it seems like I have. I scoured all my memories to see if I ever met him, and nothing came up.

Chiaki went to pull something out of her bag.
"I brought another one, you can use it." It was a Nintendo 3ds with a cartridge in it.
"Thanks, Chiaki, I'm actually pretty good at video games. What are we playing?"
"Mario Kart 7."Chiaki said emotionlessly. I was fairly excited to show my skills to Chiaki, I also wondered how talented Hajime was at it. What did Chiaki see in him that I didn't? I may have just met him, but he seems pretty boring.

We played a few rounds and as you may have guessed, Chiaki won all of them.
"Let's play one more round before we go." Beamed Chiaki. Just then, we all could hear a far off scream from someone.
"What was that?" Hajime worried. It sounded like a high pitched girl, but I don't think I reconized the voice. But they kept screaming and it got louder, and louder, and louder. It got so close that we could all see in the distance who was screaming. It was a teacher at the reserve course, she had the same uniform as them, and came from the direction on the building.


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