Chapter 6

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Time passes as days turn into weeks, stranded inside the mountain cave. Both Clarke and Bellamy don't have much to entertain or to keep themselves busy, so they ventured further into the cave. There wasn't much they expected to find other than a path further from the cold entrance of the cave, but there was much more than they expected. Someone else has been here before... There were more supplies, a few bags and extra clothing, and one small picture on a flat rock that resembled a table.

"Why does he look familiar?" Bellamy asks, taking the photograph in his hand while Clarke stands by his side and looks at his hand.

"Wait... we've seen him before." At her statement Bellamy furrows a brow, curious at what Clarke was talking about. "Bell, look. That's the same person that created the second Dawn bunker!" She reaches for the photo and he hands it over, his eyes widening in realization.

"From the video Jaha found from Earth before the bombs. Before ALIE." At this realization he steps back, looking around for anything else to prove he was here. "Wait how is that possible? He's been dead for hundreds of years!"

"Maybe his kids were here? That's who it seems are in the photo anyway."


She sets the picture back on the rock-like table before sitting down with a thud on the ground. Now they were left with more questions than answers on this planet they were stranded on. From where they sat, there was no getting off this mountain. The storm brewed much harsher today than the last, every day it grew colder and windier. It was impossible to climb or leave without risking hypothermia of falling down the Mountain side. They were alone in this cave, with nothing but some rations, a few packs, and gathered furs for makeshift beds.

"Are we ever going to get out of this?"

"I don't know." Clarke sighs with defeat, feeling the weight of the situation fully on her shoulders. Bellamy senses her distress and wraps his arms around her from behind, squeezing tighter as she leans against him. "But we're a team. We'll figure something out, Princess."

He feels more than hears her chuckle as she leans her head against his shoulder. "I use to hate that nickname so much back then. But now? Its grown on me."

"That so? Princess."

Clarke feigns annoyance and shoves him aside, though not roughly and a smirk was making its way to her lips. "Shut up."

He laughs under his breath and rests his chin on her shoulder, holding her tight as he breath ins her in. Bellamy didn't know if they would ever make it out of this situation at all, alive or dead. All he knew was Clarke Griffin, the woman he loved most of all in every planet he's been, is in his arms safe and sound. And to him, that's all that matters. A shiver urns up her spine and he instinctively pulls her closer, if it were even possible.

"Come on, get some rest. You need it." Clarke doesn't fight against his pull as they lie down on the cave floor. Instead she turns around and snuggles into his side for warmth, her head resting above his heart as she hears the familiar thump lure her to sleep.

When he wakes the next morning the heavy weight of heat is gone. He shoots up from his lying position and glances every which way for Clarke. He hears a noise from further within the cave and knows it must be her. Bellamy stands and stretches before quietly making his way into the cave. As he does he finds a small figure sitting on the ground, a rock in her left hand, as it moves across the cave wall. Many areas were rough and patchy, but a select few has smooth surface like qualities, enough for her to apparently draw on. He takes a few steps closer to see the image come into clearer view- Madi. He knew being away from her daughter hurt, and he could only imagine how much she missed the pre-teen now. With a suppressed sigh he finally speaks.

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