Chapter 4

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It took much longer than Bellamy would have liked for Clarke to wake up, but she did. Of course she was in pain, and she couldn't walk for a while, which left the pair to reside in the cave for the time being. Although Clarke doesn't like the plan she knows it's what's best. It wasn't as if they could travel anyway. When she looks down at her leg and sees the job Bellamy had done, she smiles. He catches it and furrows his brow.

"What?" She glances his way before shrugging.

"Nothing. Just-" She gestures to her leg and gives him an impressed look. "-You did good. We'll make a doctor out of you yet."

Even with the unfortunate circumstances and cool air growing colder, Bellamy genuinely smiles at the woman next to him. "Yeah well, I had a great teacher." Clarke blushes a little at this and turns back to the small fire in front of them, relishing in the warmth of it's glow.

For the next few weeks that pass the atmosphere grows colder and colder with each day. Bellamy hunts what he can and skins the first of game for warmth. He knows that they need to stay warmed up to survive, especially Clarke and her vulnerable state. Even if she would never admit it, her body's system is open to far too many illness while she's injured. Her immune system vulnerable. So they both know it's best to stay as warm as possible and keep her wound clean.

It's not easy, but it's not too difficult either to make it impossible. Clarke's leg heals well in the weeks they stay put and rest, and the amount of furs they acquire and make are just enough to get by somewhat comfortably.

The first one made, Bellamy takes it and places it over Clarke's shoulders as if it was the most natural thing in the world. She feels his hand linger on her shoulder, giving her a comforting squeeze, before feeding the small flames. Once finish he sits down and curls into himself, something that doesn't go unnoticed by Clarke either.

With a shy smirk on her lips she scoots closer to Bellamy, nudging him with her hip and opening up the fur between them. He knows what's she's doing and tries to refuse, but Clarke won't have it.

"It's big enough for us both, okay? How are we going to survive if you freeze to death?" Her brow arches in question and he knows she won. But Bellamy was stubborn.

"I won't freeze, Clarke. You need it more than me." His eyes gaze into the flames as he sits there, arms wrapped around him. Clarke slyly glares his way before shrugging the cloth off her shoulders.

"Fine." At this he turns his head. "Two can play at that game."

"Wh- Clarke what are you doing?!"

"Either we share or neither of us use it."

With a resigned sigh the two sit shoulder to shoulder, Bellamy giving in. Clarke smirks and wraps around them both, and it doesn't go unnoticed the sigh of relief from Bellamy.

He wraps an arm around her waist and she moves the fur over his shoulder to keep warm. They sit like that in silence as she rest her head boldly on his shoulder. What she doesn't expect was for him to lean his head on top of hers. When she shivers he holds tighter and she scoots closer, breathing him in. They've never had time to be like this, content and intimate. It was strange but not unwell. If anything it felt familiar; right even. But yet it would go unspoken like many other things between them. As always.

That or something life threatening or endangering to the human race interferes. Just the though of danger reminds Clarke of why they were on this planet in the first place. A threat. A new enemy they knew nothing about. One that wanted Clarke, knew about her even. It was all so strange, she and Bellamy didn't have time to figure out an inch of what was happening. Nor could they warn there people of what is yet to come. If it even does. 

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