chapter 2

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A/N: For the guy, just imagine someone you find very attractive.

that's when I saw him...

I saw Caleb Matthews . He just saw me with my bra on and my boobs all out. Well I've sort of been having my eye on him for a while. I had Algebra II with him last year and he was actually really good at it.

That's not the point. CALEB MATTHEWS JUST SAW ME IN MY FUCKING BRA! I was so embarrassed but no one could really tell because I'm black and I don't turn red out of embarrassment. I was just really hoping he didn't really notice me. While I was off thinking about it when I noticed the teacher calling me to answer a question. I wasn't even paying attention to the question so I gave some bs ass answer and apparently, it was right.

Right when I was about to back to daydreaming, I noticed I got a message on zoom. I checked it and it was David.

Well David and I have a little bit of history. We sort of dated in the beginning of our Sophomore year but I ended things because he was cheating on me with other girls and I found out this summer, a whole year and a half wasted on him. We've talked about it and we're better off as friends, ever since then, we've been cool. It's just that he is always trying to get back with me and I don't know, I guess I don't find him attractive anymore, knowing what he is capable of.

It kinda sucks that he saw me in a bra but I can't do anything about it now. Anyways, he messaged me saying "lemme see more", ugh what a fucking asshole. So I decided to message him back and respond with "your fucking bitch ass wish you man whore". That's when the teacher said that she needs to talk to me after class.

Out of confusion, I look at the message I sent to David and realized that it was sent to everyone. *why tf am i so clumsy*. I made sure I took a picture of the message that David sent so I could defend myself to some extent.

It was now the end of class and time for me to talk to my teacher. I explained everything to her, including the whole David cheating and she completely understood what happened and said she would've done the same thing, if not worse. I could tell instantly that I am gonna love this class.

I then joined my last period class and then, guess who is there. MOTHERFUCKING Caleb. Just great. In this class, we were put into breakout rooms and my psych teacher puts me in a breakout room with David AND Caleb. Just great!!!

As we're in the breakout room David keeps messaging me, so I decided that I am not gonna go back and forth with him so I got off of mute, put my camera on and told David that " I don't want to be with you anymore and that I think we're better off as friends." I also told him that " I am pursuing things with another person", completely lying my ass off. He said he understands and he just wanted to see if he had one more chance with me but now that he sees that I have moved on, he will too.

I was low key proud of him. It took me a while to get over him because we dated for a while so when I finally did and realized we could actually be friends felt good. In that time of getting over him, I evaluated the whole situation and honestly realized I don't wanna be with him anymore.

Back to class. Caleb was really smart and he kinda grabbed our attention and we actually started doing our psychology work.

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