Chapter NINE

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Ellerie Devereux

You had spent the remainder of last night sleepless, tossing and turning, your mind playing the argument with Jackson over and over again after he had left..

After you goaded him into that stupid fight.. You wonder now, why you do that?

Why do you push him the way you do, when you already know the way that will end?..

The way it was always going to end.. From the moment Jackson Ford offered to drive you home that first night, after Alpha Team had welcomed you into their ranks..

After seeing how bonded their unit is, there was never any question to you you'd ever measure up.. How could you?

So maybe it was better that you'd soon be a member of Delta Force instead.. Because in your heart, you don't think you were ever Alpha material..

And you certainly were never going to measure up to the memory of the unmentionable, Dahlia West..

Now it's mid-morning at the Specter offices and the restless night is catching up with you.. This morning in a rush you had thrown on a simple pair of jeans and a white t-shirt, your only pop of colour is the lime green pumps you picked out and to be honest, you don't entirely feel like yourself without your neon peacock armour..

But let's be real.. You haven't felt like yourself in months..

Why should today be any different?

Staring blankly at the Yeats report on the screen in front of you, you're unable to concentrate the words, instead they blur in and out focus..

Giving up, you lean back in the chair at your desk and rub your tired eyes.. A soft tapping on the door has your head snapping up.. "Yes?" You call out and a gorgeous, pixi-like brunette steps into your office with a sweet smile..

You're relieved to see her and not any of the Alpha guys.. One in particular..

"Hi El, is this a bad time? I can come back..." Yevette Feilds stands in the doorway meekly, she wears a dark burgundy form fitting knit dress, that falls just below her knee and a pair of sky high red bottom stilettos that give her several inches of height she definitely doesn't have..

She is clutching a thin grey folder in her arms nervously as she shifts from side to side..

"No, no, come in Yevie! Girl, you look.. tense.. What's up?" You wave her in..

She takes a seat and pushes the file across the desk to you.. You open it.. A Polaroid snapshot of a sweet faced, blond haired baby boy is paperclipped to the top of the first page.. You flick through the pages.. Medical records for the young boy, doctors estimate him to be no older than three..

Your eyes skim the paperwork for anything that would explain why she is dropping this on your desk..

But there's nothing, no name, no known contacts..

It doesn't make sense..

"I.. Don't get it.. What is this?" You look up at her curiously.. Unsure what she is showing you this for..

"That's Felix.. He's been in care at Lucky Charms for the last six months.. He was one of the children recovered from case involving The Senators human trafficking ring.." She looks on the brink of tears, making you wish you were more emotionally adept..

Not that you're a heartless monster.. But in your line of work you get used to compartmentalising your life and keeping people at a distance.. "He's adorable, Yevie.. Is he alright?" That seems like the right question to ask..

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