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Ellerie Devereux

You drive home with your body on autopilot and your mind swimming.. Hunter's kiss still tingling on your lips.. And you feel like you're making the same foolish mistakes all over again..

When will you learn that sleeping with your boss is a terrible fucking idea?!

First you had been seduced by Elijah and his lies.. You're biggest mistake..

Then you fall into bed with Ford and his mysterious appeal.. Who, wasn't a mistake.. At least you don't want him to be..

And now you're kissing Hunter Paxton.. Who, well you have no idea what he is..

But you can't deny you are curious about the guy..

After all.. He seems more open to a relationship.. Maybe something could develop there..

Or maybe he just wants something..

One thing, mainly..

You make your way up the path towards your apartment, tiny puffs of fog rising in the frosty night air with each breath you take.. Your keys jingle as you bounce them in your hand, lost in thought.. So lost in thought, that you don't notice Ford leaning against the front door untill he speaks.. "Hey.."

You startle, wobbling in your heels and tripping up the bottom step, keeling headfirst towards the ground..

Jackson lunges forward, catching you in his thick muscular arms, your chest colliding with his, all the breath leaving your lungs on impact.. "Shit, sorry sunshine.. I didn't mean to scare you.."

Of course he didn't, and he probably thinks you're going insane because you've been so on edge and acting so jumpy lately.. Not because of him.. Sure he pissed you off a little.. But mostly it's because of your own bullshit..

You take in the sight of him, dark tousled locks, perfectly fitted dark denim jeans and a plain white t-shirt.. A red and grey sports coat covers his broad sculpted shoulders.. "No, no it's okay.. I was just.. Distracted.."

You straighten up, taking a step to the side trying to put some distance between you, you cant think properly with him standing so close, looking so good, with his hands wrapped around your waist.. "It's been a long day, you know?"

He gives you a sweet, sympathetic half smile.. His deep brown eyes filled with apprehension.. In fact, its now you notice that everything about the way he's standing, the way he's looking at you is open and honest..

You pause.. "Jax? Is everything alright?..You look--" He reaches out and takes your hand, making you suddenly aware of the fact that your nervous engegy had you jingling your keys again..

A silence falls over the stoop..

The street is quiet and deserted around you..

"I know you told me not to come back.." His eyes fall to the oversized jacket you're wearing.. Paxton's jacket.. If he is jealous, he doesn't show it, instead his eyes move right back to yours, sweet and sincere.. "You were right to do that.."

You don't feel like that's true at all.. You had been hurt, and acted impulsively, something you had been trying to work on since the whole mess at you're last job.. You thought you had it under control..

Well, untill Jackson came along at least..

You step forward, shaking your head.. "Jax, No.."

He squeezes your hand, stilling and silencing you.. He speaks with such intent you can tell he has something he wants to say.. So you let him say what he needs.. "Yeah, you were.. I was being a total asshole.." He licks his lips nervously and your eyes are immediately drawn to his full pouty mouth.. "I was wrong to leave, Ellerie.. Its just.. There's something wrong with me.."

Broken hearts & Coup d'etats - THE SPECTER SERIES [book three]Where stories live. Discover now