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Ellerie Devereux

. . o n e w e e k l a t e r . .

You sit nervously on the small plastic chair on the auditorium stage.. Dressed in your neatest black pantsuit with a silky white button down beneath a tight fitted blazer.. Your hair pulled up in a neat ballerina style bun and your makeup minimal, the only dash of your true personality is the neon pink pumps you had decided were necessary, if only to liven up the ensemble.. But mostly because they make you feel good.

Hundreds of eyes peer up from the audience as Jake Harrison addresses the room of FBI and Spectre agents, he stands, tall and confident behind the podium.. "Special Agent Devereux's dedication to justice, and her unfailing loyalty to the bureau should serve as a reminder to us all.. A reminder of what can be achieved through perseverance and determination.. Her actions should also remind us of the very reason each of us is here.. To protect our country, to serve its citizens and to stand behind your fellow agents.. She also teaches us the vigilance required to weed out corruption and ensure that the legacy of the bureau remains true.. Thanks to Miss Devereux, one of our own.. An innocent man, Special Agent Charles Everett can be entered into the history of our organisation and remembered for his efforts in the ways he deserves.. For all she has done, today we commend Miss Devereux, for her extraordinary actions in service of the FBI, and we honor you, with this, Medal for Meritorious Achievement.." He turns to you with a warm, genuine smile and you stand, crossing to stand beside him, he opens a long velvet box.. A beautiful blue and red medal is nestled on the cushion inside..
Harrison extends his hand to shake, you take it with a firm grip.. "On behalf of myself and the entire Federal Bureau of Investigation, thank you for your service, Special Agent Devereux.."

He hands you the box and you smile gratefully.. You feel elated to be recognised and appreciated, and also humbled by the experience.. "It's my privilege, sir.." He steps aside, motioning for you to say a few words..

Stepping up to the microphone, you cast your eyes out over the sea of faces.. There, in the front row, you see your team..
Not just Alpha, but both your teams..
The men of Alpha Team and Delta's Force grin up at you, each decked out in their finest dress blues.. Their decorated chests dripping with medals of their own, each standing rigidly at attention, a demonstration of respect.. They look the picture of perfection in their neatly pressed and polished formal uniforms and your heart squeezes at their show of support.. Your family..

"Thank you Director Harrison.. It has always been my dream to help others and to make a real difference, and for the longest time I felt like that responsibility was solely on my shoulders.."
You look down to see Jackson, he beams at you with such pride, warmth fills you from tip to toe at the sight of him.. Your handsome Marine.. Your fiancé..
"But the most important thing I have learned is that none of us can make that difference we are seeking to make alone.. When we cooperate, support each other and believe in our brothers and sisters. There is no limit to the positive impacts we can make and the goals we can achieve.. I would not have accomplished anything without a strong team standing behind me, so while I thank the bureau for this amazing honour.. I would also like to take this opportunity to formally thank Specter, for their support, loyalty and faith in me.. .. Thank you.." There is an eruption of applause and Harrison now crosses back to join you, shaking your hand once more..

"Thank you again Ellerie, consider me in your debt.. And if you change your mind about that chief of staff position, and I really hope you will, give me a call.."

You nod.. "I appreciate that, sir.."

As the assembly closes and you make your way down the stairs and off the stage, the Specter guys all move to greet you.. "Well done, El.." West gives you a stiff nod and a faint smile, but you can see the pride in his eye..

Broken hearts & Coup d'etats - THE SPECTER SERIES [book three]Where stories live. Discover now