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The next morning I wake up with a raging headache

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The next morning I wake up with a raging headache. My whole body aches and I can't help but wonder to myself how my mom does this every single day. I groan and throw my legs over the side of my bed, the cold of the hard wood floor sending a shiver through my entire body. I grab my phone off of the bedside table and flop back down, my feet still firmly pressed against the floor. I scroll through my notifications with one eye open, shielding the other from the harsh light. Lydia has already texted me three times and it wasn't even 10 A.M yet. The party wasn't for another 11 hours and yet she was probably already up and ready. I hit her contact info and press Facetime. Within three rings her face lights up my screen. She's beaming from ear to ear.

"You were even more drunk than I was last night, how are you up this early and how the fuck are you already this happy? I've only been up for like two minutes and I can already tell you that I'm miserable." I grunt.

"Oh, c'mon miss grumpy pants. Cheer up, today is going to be a glorious day!" She sings as she looks away for a moment and towards what I'm assuming is her vanity mirror. 

"Are you already doing your makeup? It will all be mush by the time tonight rolls around." I roll over onto my stomach and watch her make the humiliating O face as she coats her long lashes in mascara.

"Why aren't you already here?" Lydia asks, completely ignoring comment.

I roll my eyes again and groan into my comforter. "I'll be there in twenty." I reply before hanging up and forcing myself up.

I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower to damn near boiling hot. I step in, letting the steam envelop me and allowing the water to melt away all the sadness I felt last night and if I'm being completely honest with myself am still feeling. Before drifting off to a very unrestful sleep I promised myself that I was done with Gavin. I wasn't going to let him hurt me anymore. I deserved better. I deserved a love like Nathan and Lydia's.

Once I was clean and feeling somewhat normal, I stepped out and wrapped myself up in a towel, standing in front of the mirror where a hidden note was starting to fade away. "I love you. Xo xo Lydia." She must've written the note after showering here one night. How I never noticed it was beyond me but it made my throat tighten and a new batch of tears sting the corners of my eyes. I blinked them away but sat on the edge of the tub, my legs weak and shaking as I think  about one of the only people who show me unconditional love. She has always accepted me for who I was: the flaws, the bitchy moments, the drama, Gavin, my drunk of a mother. She always accepted me for me and never expects anything different. You can't pick your family, but if I ever was able to I'd always pick her in a heartbeat.

I took in a shuddering breath before retreating into my bedroom. I sit at my vanity and stare at my reflection- my blood shot eyes, raw and stinging with the dark circles to make them look even more hollow. I look up onto my wall at the cluster of photos from years ago. Lydia, Isaac, and I. We were all so happy. The two of them look the same but I almost don't recognize the me from those days. I was happy, the smile reached my eyes. Now I was just a ghost of the girl I once was, and I was determined to find my way back to being that girl again.

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