a grief after

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my mirror, my mirror on the wall
that I am tells me / beauties lie in

the eye of the beholden / my eyes
swim through the closed college

gates & remember / oh how I long
for the not-so-long-ago / with a you
ng skein of nostalgae on my mind //

a grief ago, huh, dylan / how much
worse is a grief after / waiting for

godots by a tree of ungolden bou
ghs without a rope // when the doc

tor asks, how are you feeling, the
greatest disease is a lack of words

shakespeare surfing the net for ham
net, pinging him / gone too soon son

wind spun smoke / ice swirled coke
dream cream sleep / depth of a beep //

akhmatova's requiem burning in
stalin fires but also saved in her &

hers mind / neruda scurrying with
the CIA on his trail / a comet with

a tail of poetry // every country has
more blood on its hands than tears

to wash them away / because coun
try is not a singular noun / each pi

xel a people, each border made of
people chained together, of people

only able to look one way with ti
ring eyes & tiring tiring hands // for

give me, ajay, for I have seen mys
elf found in the times of doubt / be

auties die in the die of the die & I
found myself seen / a grief after


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