20. Lovers

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~Lady Diana x Michael story~

Diana's POV
I sigh and get up from the hotel's bed. I can't believe I have a lover. And not just any lover — Michael Joseph Jackson. Yup, you got that right. The King Of Pop himself. I know that having lovers when you're a member of the royal family isn't well-seen, but what else could I do? It just happened, and I couldn't help it. Plus, I'm hated in the family already, so what's the problem? How did it happen? I'm not sure. When did it happen? September the 15th, 1987. I was there. I actually was. He was singing «Dirty Diana» — one of my favorite songs. At first, he wasn't going to perform it because he knew I was going to be there and he didn't want to disrespect me, but I insisted that he did it. And so he did. Then, to my surprise, he called me backstage.

"Lady Diana, please report yourself backstage", a voice through the loudspeaker said. «This is strange», I thought to myself. So, I walked to a bodyguard who guided me backstage. I gulped when we were nearer to the door. I shyly knocked on the door.
"Come in", a soft voice said from behind the door. I gulped once again as I reached to the doorknob and opened it. I stepped inside. He saw me, smiled brightly and bowed his head slightly.
"W-why did you call me here?", I stuttered.
"Look, ummm...", he started. I just raised an eyebrow, wanting him to continue. "... I have these tickets to go to the cinema tonight and... I don't know who to invite and—"
"—and you wanted to know if I'd like to go with you", I finished his sentence. He shyly nodded, slightly blushing."A-and do you?", he stuttered.
"Well, it depends... which movie are we gonna watch?"
"Uhhh... you promise you won't laugh?"
"I promise, why should I laugh?"
"I don't know, but everyone laughs at me for some reason—", he shrugged.
"Aw, and you think I won't be the exception?"
"Mhm", he nodded.
"Tell me"
"Okay", he gulped. "We'll watch Peter Pan", he whispered.
"You thought I'd laugh at that? I love that movie!"
"Y-you do?", he darted his eyes looking right into mine.
"Yay!", he clapped his hands.
"When is it, though? Because, since I'm engaged to Prince Charles, I'm sure his family will be pissed if they don't see me as soon as I come back from here"
"Don't worry, it's right after this. You can just call 'em and tell 'em you'll arrive later than expected"
"Oh, you're right", I facepalmed myself. "I'm so dumb—"
"No, you're not. You just forgot!", he said and approached me.
"But—", I started, but I suddenly felt his lips against mine. «I told him I was engaged, right?»
"Sorry I—", he blushed hard. "I know you told me you're engaged but I couldn't help it and... I swear I'm not like this"
"Shush", I put my finger on his lips. "Screw the rules. I don't even wanna marry Prince Charles"
"Then why are you marrying him?"
"It's an arranged marriage. I can't do anything about it"
"That's sad"
"It is, to be honest", I sighed. "When does this finish?", I asked. He looked at his watch.
"One more song to go"
"Okay", I smiled.

The concert finished and I eventually called the palace.
"What's that crap that you're not coming home yet?", Charles' angry voice said.
"I have plans", I simply answered.
"You better not come back late", he warned and then hung up. I sighed. «Okay then», I thought.
"Let's go", I said.
"Okie", Michael smiled.
*End of flashback*

So yeah... the 'affair' went further and further, and today's the day in which I'm marrying Prince Charles against my will.
"Do you really have to go?", I hear Michael ask.
"I have to. I'm forced to go"
"Why? You don't love him anyway, so why bother going there?"
"I can't escape. It's my destiny, and you can't escape from it"
"Let's go on an escapade, then"
"I'd love to, but—"
"But? What's stoppin' you?"
"All this pressure is stoppin' me, really. I don't want to marry him, but I have to"
"Being a member of the royal family must suck", he states.
"It does. I'd love to go on that escapade with you...", I lower my head. "It's true they don't like me. They like my sister instead, so I guess running away is the best option... I know I'm hated back home"
"I think they're enough reasons to escape, aren't they?"
"Well yes—"
"So? What are you waitin' for?"
"You're right, I'll go"
"But I don't have more clothes than the ones I'm wearing"
"What's wrong with 'em? I love 'em. Well, in fact, I love you"
"Stop—", I blush.
"Why? It's true. Even though you're another man's fiancée, I do"
"Well, you never told me that"
"Oh, didn't I? Shame on me, then"
"You're so silly—", I go redder. "But I love you too"
"Aw—", he pulls me into a hug.
"Let's go on that escapade, shall we?"
"Let's go!", I smile.
"Aw, how cute"
"Psh—", I say. He just raises an eyebrow. "I mean, thank you", I give him a small smile.
"That's better", he takes my hand and we step outside the hotel's door, looking to one side and to the other, to make sure we aren't being seen. "Let's go!", he runs.

Idk if this is good or bad, but here you are😂


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