Christian's POV
Seeing Daniel was incredible. I told him about Ana. I didn't know much about her but I told him what I knew. I told him about her long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes, not to mention her pink lips that look so soft. Once I mentioned that she was Eric's sister, he stopped me. He shook his shead violently.
"No, little brother." He said to me "You can not have the hots for your best friends sister. It will only lead to bad things."
"What are you talking about?" I looked at him confused.
"I've done it before." He put his head down as he said this. I tried to remember a time where he was in this situation but none came up.
"I wanna give this a shot Danny." I said to him. He lifed his head then and pointed to the door.
"Then go little brother. Just be careful." I smiled and I gave him another hug before I left. Yeah I'll admit it I hugged my brother.
I rode my skateboard to Ana's house. I was nervous and even contemplated just turning around, but my legs kept moving until I got to the front door. I'd knocked on this door many times but this time it felt different. Mr. Gibson answered the door and my heart skipped a beat.
"Hey Christian," He said casually. He was a pretty cool guy. I often wished that I had a father like him. He was laid back and it wasn't weird like when other peoples dads did it. "I didn't know you were coming over. We are ordering pizza so you came right on time." I scratched the back of my head and chuckled lightly.
"I was actually wondering if I could take to Ana." I said, trying to sound as calm as possible. He looked at me for a moment before nodding and ushering me in.
"Ana," He said as we walked in. "there is someone here for you." I moved and stood next to him. From the look on her face she was not expecting me. When I looked at Eric, he stood up and crossed his arms. He did not look thrilled.
"Oh hey Eric," I said scratching the back of my head again. It's becoming a habit. "I didn't know you would be here." It was true. I thought he would be at practice today but I guess not. Eric stared at Ana then he looked at me.
"What are you doing here?" He asked me. He had a stern look on his face and it scared me a little. OK a lot. He had his arms crossed as he stood his ground next to his sister.
"Well actually, I'm here to take Ana skateboarding." I looked at the blonde haired girl and I noticed her cheeks getting red. She was staring me down. I got the hint that she was sending but I really wanted to take her out.
"You're what?" Both Eric and Ana said. Both of their blue eyes widened. Eric walked over to me and grabbed my shirt. He looked me dead in the eye.
"I swear if this is another one of your tricks, I will kill you. This is my sister and I will not have you hurting her." I had a tendency to mess with chicks but this was not my plan with Ana. I nodded slightly and he let go.
"Let's go." I said to her and suprisingly she walked towards me and then out the door. I followed her to her room and waited while she got her skateboard. She hadn't changed since school. She was still wearing skinny jeans and a grey zip up hoodie over her white tank top. She came out and locked her door. She glanced at me and left. I followed her and smiled to myself as we went down the drive way. Her hair was down and the wind blowing through it made it look even better. I smiled again and felt the blood rush to my cheeks. She turned around and looked at me for just a second.
"You're slow." She said and kicked off again. I heard her giggle to herself.

Between The Lines
Teen FictionAna Gibson was the girl who got along with guys better then girls. She didn't believe in true love. She was independent and smart and beautiful. Christian Argent was the badass. The player around school. He was on the basketball team and got every g...