Part 20 - Encounter

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Present Day

Linus Howell hesitated before approaching her. He wasn’t quite sure what he was going to say; he would have to wing it. The wine bar was packed and he grimaced when he entered and saw the Whituth Set already celebrating the start of the weekend. He should have known better than to arrange to meet her at 4:30 on a Friday afternoon; any other day of the week would have been fine.

He sipped his white wine spritzer as he surveyed the orgy of designer clothes, teased hair and polished bodies. He was certain that she was the petite brunette with the dark eyeliner and purple lipstick who had been watching the door keenly when he walked in. Pity he hadn't arrived early and managed to down at least one drink beforehand. He sighed. Never mind. In for a penny in for a pound.

“Ms Whyte? I’m Linus Howell. Apologies if I’m a little late, and also for suggesting we meet here. I had not realised it would be so busy.” The words rushed and he felt awkward. He reached for a stool and was just about to pull it over when she spoke.

“Case of mistaken identity, I’m afraid.” The brunette smiled and looked beyond him to a handsome young man who was struggling to make his way through the throng towards her.

Cheeks burning in frustration with himself, he backed away slightly. He had been sure that she was the one. Feeling an idiot, he mumbled an apology and nudged his way back to the bar. How the hell was he supposed to find her amongst this lot?

“Hello, I’m Elizabeth Whyte.”

Her hand reached out beckoningly and he shook it without thinking. She definitely wasn’t what he had been expecting.

“Hi... Uh... Linus Howell. Can I get you a drink?”

“Hmm... Let’s see. I’ll have a bottle of Magners, please.” She smiled and looked across the room. “I see there’s a table over there. Why don’t I go and grab it while you get the drinks?” She didn’t give him chance to answer before she walked away.

Well, this was a turn up for the books. He was glad he had taken the time to shower and look presentable. This could turn into a very pleasurable afternoon.

“How did you know it was me?” he asked, joining her and placing their glasses and her bottle of cider on the table.

She smiled wickedly. “Let’s just say I knew the moment I laid eyes on you.” Her smile widened as she crossed her legs.

His mood lightened and he felt the familiar, warm rush of attraction trickle through his veins.

“Shall I call you Linus?”

“Linus is fine.”

“So Linus, what exactly is it that we can do for you?”

He cleared his throat, wondering whether he should just come out with it or if he should think of something completely different to say. “We’re developing the old Ministry of Defence buildings at Staibey Nayes. Do you know the ones I mean?”

She nodded. “Weren’t they also rented out as industrial units at one stage?”

“Yes,” he replied. “Well, there have been some... How can I put this? Strange goings on since we started working there. After the latest incident, the workmen have downed tools and refused to go back to work until we get someone in to investigate.” His face felt hot and he was sure it was as red as the coat she was wearing.

“Why did you choose to meet here rather than visit RoYds?”

“I want to keep the number of people who know anything about this down to a minimum. If I’m seen going into your building, rumours will start and before you know it, no one will be interested in buying the properties once they’re completed.”

“I see.” She raised an eyebrow and gave him a knowing look. He didn’t quite like her attitude.

“What about the workmen? Won’t they talk about what’s been happening?”

“Nah. Firstly, they wouldn’t want anyone thinking they’re crazy and secondly, I'm still paying their wages while they sit on their arses. It's in their interest to keep their mouths shut.”

As she removed her black leather gloves he caught himself checking her finger for a ring. He felt like kicking himself. She was still attractive even if he didn’t like her attitude.

“Why did you think RoYds could help?”

“I’ve lived in this town all my life; my family have been in these parts for generations. It’s not a secret that you people are interested in this sort of thing.” He was getting tired of the small-talk bullshit; they both understood the type of thing these geeks got themselves involved in. He didn’t feel comfortable with the whole thing and if his hand hadn't been forced into making contact with them he never would have done so.

“Look, Elizabeth... I hate to be rude but I don’t have the time to beat about the bush. I want this project finished by the end of March at the latest. All I want you to do is take a look, confirm it’s all in their minds, and then I can get them back to work. How about this: in return I'm prepared to make a contribution to the RoYds Foundation.” That should seal it.

Elizabeth leaned forward slowly and narrowed her eyes at him. “How about this: we take a look and in return you name your latest development something more in keeping with local heritage?”

“More in keeping? What colour’s the sky on your planet?” he glared back at her indignantly.

“More in keeping,” she repeated calmly. “As far as I’m concerned, the last thing Whituth needs is another Howell Place or Howell Villas or Howell whatever...”

Cheeky mare! He finished his drink in one swallow and wished that it had been at least his third. The need to get the job finished was his number one priority. It was not as though he would have anything more to do with her after tonight. “Fine! I’ll get us some more drinks and then I’ll tell you what’s been happening.” He picked up his glass and stood up to go to the bar.

“Do you have the keys to the buildings on you, Linus?”

He patted his inside jacket pocket in order to be sure. “Yes. Why?”

“We could go over there now if you've the time to spare? As it's costing you money, I thought you might prefer sooner rather than later?”

He had been planning on leaving the car here at the bar and making a night of it; he’d only had the one drink though. “Great! Ready when you are.” He smiled toothily.

What a result! They would be back at work on Monday morning and the job would be back on schedule!

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