chapter three

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As I layed down in the field of flowers,feeling the crisp air,I looked up and admired the beautiful sky and how it was filled with clouds. "You know the sky is pretty but you are gorgeous"I heard a voice next to me say,I turned my head to see Luke staring at me with his gorgeous smile,he raised his hand up to my cheek,his thumb moving in a circle.He started to lean in,his lips barley brushing mine.....
*ring ring*
I was startled out of my sleep by a notification popping up on my phone saying I had a missed call.I was confused as to why I had such a romantic dream with luke and not my boyfriend.My train of thought was gone when my phone started buzzing like crazy.As i picked it up I saw a bunch of texts from the east high groupchat and also many text from nini and ricky,I mean I wasn't gonna think much about it until I got a text from ej,which is rare cause he never usually texts me.I clicked on his message:

ej📱:hey y/n i'm sorry that i had to be the one to tell you this but...i just caught ricky and nini kissing in the dressing room
y/n: ej are you absolutely sure it was ricky?
ej📱:see for your self

i just caught ricky and nini kissing in the dressing roomy/n: ej are you absolutely sure it was ricky?ej📱:see for your self

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y/n:thanks for letting me know ej

I threw my phone across the room and just snuggled into a little ball underneath my comforter.How could ricky do this to me,after everything we've been through and being able to tell each other everything,he goes back to her?Was it something that I did?Was I not good enough?All these thoughts were running through my brain,I hear my mom knock on the door "Hey hun are you ok?I heard a thud and thought you fell"I quickly wiped my tears as I felt my bed indent knowing she is sitting on my bed. "He went back to her momma,ej just texted me that he caught ricky and nini in the dressing room"I told my mom and showed her the picture on my phone.Once she gave me back my phone,I opened the group chat and all the texts were just how sorry they felt for me.I turned off my phone and got out of bed to get ready for the day."Hey mom i'm gonna get ready for school ok?""Ok pumpkin i'll see you downstairs"My mom said as she left my room closing the door behind her.I opened up my closet and got my outfit for the day:

 I really didn't feel like doing any make up so I just put on some mascara and lip gloss,put my hair into two boxer braids,grabbed my my stuff and headed downstairs

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I really didn't feel like doing any make up so I just put on some mascara and lip gloss,put my hair into two boxer braids,grabbed my my stuff and headed downstairs.Once I made it at the end of the stairs,I was bombarded by a ton of questions by my grandma."Why do you have on leggings,and why does it look like you've been crying""Nana I really don't have time for your shit right now"I said irritated,my grandma was in shock that I said that,my mom on the other hand was trying hard to contain her laughter.You see my mom really didn't like my grandma,dad always used to say we had to respect her though cause she was his mom,but he was even tired of her shit."Natasha are you really gonna let your daughter talk to me like that""We have to get her to school,Let's go pumpkin"my mom said,completely dodging the question.We made our way to the car and drove off to school.The whole car ride was silent due to the fact that I was still heartbroken that my boyfriend of 2 years just cheated on me."Ok hun have a good day today,try not to think about ricky and nini as much today,I know it's hard but try atleast,i love you y/n""I love you too mama"She kissed my forehead before I got out of the car,once I closed the door my mom drove off.I walked to my locker and seen flynn waiting for me."Hey good looking....what's wrong?"She asked as her mood changed once she seen my bloodshot eyes,"Ricky cheated on me with his ex girlfriend,I just found out this morning""Oh y/n i'm so sorry"She pulled me into a hug and just held me,back in salt lake my friends never used to hug me if they saw me upset,but flynn is different.Once she let me go,Luke come up from behind me"Hey y/n how was your sleep?"Luke asked me,noticing my eyes,before he was able to ask what was wrong my phone rang,ricky was calling me,I excused myself from the group to answer him:
R:Y/n look i'm so sorry you had to find out like-
Y/n: you know what ricky,save your sorry for someone who actually wants to hear it,you said you were done talking to nini or having feelings for her once we got together and now this happens?
R:I wasn't fully over her y/n...
Y/n:we're done ricky

I ended the phone call,tears streaming down my face,I felt a hand on my shoulder.Alex was there,he noticed my puffed up face and pulled me into a hug.I started crying even harder"It's ok y/n,I got you"

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