chapter seven

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It was now friday after school,mom was supposed to be leaving for out of town tonight so i'll be watching chase till monday.Although she is gonna be missing his third birthday on sunday.

I was walking outside of school to go home when a hand tapped my shoulder,"Hey you're y/n right?"some boy with ginger colored hair asked me "Yes and you are?"I asked genuinely concerned "I'm nick um i just wanted to say you are really pretty and I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out sometime?"He asked giving me a hopeful look "Oh um as flattering as that is I um not really interested"After I said that I started to walk away due to the awkward tension between us.

I started making my way home.After a long 20 minutes I reached my front door ,once I opened the door I saw this man with my mom,I had no clue who he was.Turns out he was just a co worker, "Alright honey I'm off for work,Chase is in the living room,He has a party on sunday,Invite luke because chase seems to like him,love you pumpkin"my mom said rushing out the door,the man not to far behind her.

I quickly went upstairs to change into my pajamas,every friday me and chase have a movie marathon where we stay in our pis and eat food till we can't stop,I headed downstairs to start our movie marathon "Sissy can lukey come over"Chase asked me having the same hopeful glow in his eyes that luke has,little does chase know I already asked luke to come over for our movie marathon,well at first he offered to stay the weekend with us because he wanted me to feel safe with just me and chase in the house.Before I could tell chase anything there was a knock at the door,I got up to open it then luke came in yelling "Who's ready for the best weekend ever"that's when chase got up and jumped on the couch cause he was hyped i just laughed and locked the door as luke went and hugged chase.

*a few hours later*

It was around 6 o clock and we were starting our third movie "Frozen"chase gets to pick out all the movies we watch this weekend cause it's his birthday weekend,towards the middle of the movie I had to excuse myself to use the restroom,once I came out i heard chase tell luke "lukey i think you like my sissy and i want her to be happy"I have never heard this kid say anything like that and not even to ricky,I went and sat down next to luke...that's when i slowly started to fall asleep...

*the next day*

I woke up to the sun beaming on my face from the living room window,i had a blanket over me,I went into a panic because I didn't know where chase was but before I could get up i seen him asleep next to me.I let out a sigh of relief knowing he was ok.I got up and went to the kitchen to start on breakfast only to see luke already there making pancakes "Wow look at you knowing how to cook" "Hey i'm more than just a pretty face"he said causing us both to let out a small pit of laughter. "Thanks for staying over this weekend it really means a lot to both me and chase"I told him,and I wasn't laughing I was truly grateful for Luke staying over to help with chase. "It's really not a problem at all"He said as he pulled me into a hug,we stood like that for a few seconds longer "ewww sissy that's coodies"chase said walking into the kitchen making luke and I pull apart laughing. "Hey quite down and eat your food cause guess what we're doing today"I told chase "what?" he said with a mouth full of pancakes "Were going to....the park"Once i said the park he screamed and got up and did the little dance he does when he gets excited "Yay best sissy ever" chase said hugging me"Hey what about me I told her to take you"Luke said kind of offended that he didn't get a hug either "Best lukey ever"chase ran hugging him.

*an hour later*

We all got washed up and ready to walk to the park,chase in his stroller because he's kind of a crazy little kid.Once the park came into view I let chase out of his stroller "race you lukey" chase said running to the park "Hey no fair"luke yelled running after him I just laughed as the boys were both racing to the park.Since I was the one with the stroller I arrived to the park a little later than the boys did,I looked around and saw luke playing with chase, "Which one is yours"a woman who looked to be in her early thirties asked,I pointed to chase "that's my little brother im babysitting him while my mom is out of town"then chase came running up to me "sissy...i...need...water"he said clearly out of breath,I gave him the water bottle which he than ran off with because he thought luke wanted some "It looks like your brother loves your boyfriend"the lady told me,I just smiled at her,thanking her,I didn't feel like correcting her just because I barley knew the woman.

It's been atleast another hour since we've been at the park.Chase was getting restless so Luke and I decided to take him home. "Luke It really means a lot to me that you took the weekend to spend time with chase and I" "Please y/n no need to thank me"he said pushing chases stroller with one hand and grabbing a hold of mine with the other,making small talk with luke,we made it home,Luke picked up chase from his stroller we made our way to my front door "y/n i've missed you so much"I looked up and saw the boy who broke my heart sitting my my door "Ricky?"

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