Chapter 24- Jiley and Nochelle pt 3

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Hey guys, I'm so sorry for not updating in a while, I've just been really stressed with schoolwork and all of that. I realized I did a part two to this in chapter 12, so I thought I should carry on the story. I was just wondering, do you guys mind the amount of swearing in this book, or do you want me to cut down? I'm worried I'm swearing too much, and would love your opinion on it.

James created this group chat
James added Riley to the group chat
James- Riley please say something
James- I drove you home
James- I brought you inside and made you a hot chocolate
James- I've apologized a billion times
James- what more do you want me to do
Riley- I don't want to talk to you
James- if you don't want to talk, just text
Riley- okay fine. You abandoned me when I needed you the most. You almost left me to walk home alone. It took Emily and richelle to get you to help. I guess I know where we stand.
James- look I freaked out. And I'm so sorry.  I was an idiot.
Riley- look I do still love you, so so so much, but i don't know if I can trust you if every time life gets hard you walk out
James- it was a massive shock, and you texted me about it
Riley- I didn't want to talk to you about it face to face, because I overthink everything. And I thought out the worst possible outcome for this. My worst possible outcome happened.
James- I'm sorry Ri
Riley- I don't know if sorry is going to cut it this time James
James- I have an idea to get you to trust me again
Riley- what
James- I'll do a list. 20 things, and I have to do every single one of them.
Riley- like with everything that happened with Beth
James- exactly like that
Riley- and you promise you won't leave me
James- I promise
Riley- so this baby will have a dad
James- yes
Riley- and I can put baby related things on the list
James- of course!
Riley- I'll have the list done by Sunday!
James- thanks Ri
Riley- I'm going to go and cook spaghetti bolognese
James- I'll do it, you need to rest
Riley- James I'm not that heavily pregnant yet
James- you're still pregnant
Riley- you're going to be an overprotective dad aren't you
James- duh
Riley- James you once tried to make chocolate brownies, and it turned out as mashed potato
James- okay fine you win
Riley- great I'll cook
James- no you are not cooking, you're going to sit there as I order Macdonalds
Riley- seriously James
James- yep

3 weeks later
James- Ri are you okay?
James- Riley
James- look if it's too hard to talk just text
James- it was a massive shock for me too
James- Riley please we can cope with this
James- it's nothing we can't handle
Riley- go live your life, I'll be the mum and you go be successful
James- no Riley, I'm not leaving you just because of what happened
Riley- just go James
James- no. Now come out of the bathroom
Riley- James I can't cope with it
James- maybe you can't but we will
Riley- goodbye James
Riley- please James
James- I can't let you do this. You're out of the bathroom now, so we're going to text about this if you need to
Riley- how are we going to cope with FOUR kids at the age of 23 and 24?

James- we will manage. My parents have a ridiculous amount of money, from their business, they're like walking credit cards
Riley- but then we will have to pay them back
James- we will pay them back, when we have our own successful business as well
Riley- I don't know James
James- please Riley
Riley- I'm still not sure
James- we are Jiley. We will cope
Riley- I'm still not sure
James- we can do this, and I'm not taking no for an answer. Now get in the car, we're driving to my parents house to have dinner. Maybe my mil can help me learn to cook
Riley- I can still cook while pregnant
James- no you can't. And why don't you get dressed up in that green dress, to show off your baby bump
Riley- okay okay

8 months later
Emily created this group chat
Emily added James to the group chat
Emily- James get your fucking ass to the hospital, your fiancé is in labor, and you're not here
Emily- James
Emily- James you dick get here now
Emily- James you mother trucker I am going to not swear for once
James- what's with all of the swearing
Emily- how are you so calm you shitty piece of shit
James- wdym
Emily- read the above messages while getting in the car
James- oh shittttttt
Emily- yep
James- I'm getting my 'fucking ass' over there now. Tell Riley I'm going to be there really soon
Emily- okay now hurry up

One day later
Emily- James I need to see these babies I had to go home after I got kicked out the hospital
James- you only got kicked out because you refused to leave the labor room, and had a heated discussion with the midwife which ended with you calling her a 'disappointment' and 'a disgrace to humanity'
Emily- I said something along those lines now show me these babies
James- I mean you can come and see them if you want
Emily- now?
James- yeah we're in room 174, ask for Riley Raymond
Emily- on my way!!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. The whole thing about Emily calling the midwife a disappointment was based on my art class. My teacher made people stand up and told them they were a disgrace to their parents, their family, their classmates and the world. It was hilarious. (She was joking before you ask. It was because they didn't do the work they were set in self isolation.) Evie :)

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