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As I turn over the note the name says "BigHit".

"BigHit? Oh my fuck." My mouth drops in shock, and I slowly clap a hand over my mouth.

"Why would BigHit give me groceries?" I whisper
to myself as I put the rest of the groceries away. Then it dawned on me. "I'm staying in one of the apartments BigHit owns. How did I not notice this when I pulled up the website?"

Mumbling to myself, I walk back to my room to put my clothes and necessities away.

Tomorrow I intern with a lyricist to help write lyrics for big-time bands. And to be honest- I'm not ready. I still don't know who I'm working with yet. I mean yes I understand what I'm going to be doing there. I'll be learning and helping out with the process of writing new songs.

That seems to fucking crazy to me. That I'll get to see songs getting written, and they might become famous big-time songs.

I pull the covers over my body as I lay in my bed with my phone in my hands, scrolling through Instagram.  I could barely keep my eyes open so I decided to get some rest for tomorrow.

Even though I was way too excited to even think about anything else but what my day consists of tomorrow, I know I should probably go to bed. And that's exactly what I did.

Next Morning
I wake up to the birds chirping and the sun shining through the curtains. I get out of bed to start my day. After I took shower, I pick out my clothes to wear to my first day as an intern. A short, flowy dress, some Dr. Martens, and a cardigan. I grab my purse and phone and walk down to the kitchen. Since BigHit gave me some groceries, I made some eggs and toast. After eating, I grab my belongings and head outside to call for a cab. Since I live in Korea now, I don't have an international driver's license.

The driver asked where I was going and I tell him the address the company sent me. I still have no clue who I'm working with. That's until I arrive at the place. I look out of the window and see a huge building in front of my eyes. All sides of the building are made of glass. I can see people inside working at their desks. As I look at the building, it seems familiar like I've seen it somewhere before. "It looks like"- a car behind me honked at us interrupting my thoughts. I got out of the cab and start to walk inside, taking a deep breath.

"Y/N is that you?!," Someone shouts across the room from me.

I turn around and see a girl running up to me as she waves.

"Are you y/n?" she asks again.

"Yes, I am. How can I help you?" I say sticking my hand out to shake her hand. She returns the handshake, then stepping back to give me some room.

"Hi, yes. My name is Hana Lee. I'm gonna be working with you as another intern here. The boss told me to come and get you when you arrive, so can you follow me?" she asks looking up at me while smiling.

"Oh, yes! I can do that!" I say happily following her to the elevator. As we got inside, she presses the button that will take us to the top floor. I try to make some small talk. Asking her where she goes to college, how long has she lived here.

"I've been living here for many, many years. Since I was born. My mom used to live in America but she came here and met my dad. Then a couple of years later they had me," she says smiling a little, looking down at her hands as she plays with her fingers. "I also go to Dankook University for college," she says looking back up.

"Oh! I applied there too! Tomorrow is my first day. I'm gonna learn to write and sing but mostly write," I reply, trying to get her to warm up to me. At first, she seemed energetic and crazy, but I can tell that from this encounter she is shy and quiet.

"That's amazing! I bet we will have some classes together," Hana says as the elevator stops to let us out. We walk out of the door, heading to the boss's office. I trail behind Hana as I start getting nervous. I've never felt like this before. Don't know why it's happening now.

We get to the door and I watch Hana knock on it. I heard a deep, male voice tell us to come in. Hana opens the door and told me to come along. My head is still hung low, too nervous to look up. Hana put her hand on my back, whispering to me to look up and not be so nervous.

"He's a nice guy," Hana whispered to me. "Don't be so nervous," she says smiling. 

I look up and I recognize his face right away. So shocked that I'm standing right in front of him. Trying to not act surprised, I calm myself down. I bow and hold my hand out for him to shake

"Hi, my name is y/n. It's so nice to meet you," I say as he takes my hands into his.

"My name is Bang Shihyuk. You can call me BangPD for short," he says smiling. "It's my pleasure to work with you. I know you are an excellent candidate for this job," he replies sitting back down at his desk.

"Oh, thank you sir!" you remark bowing multiple times.

"No need to be so formal. We are all family here."

I smile looking over to Hana. She smiles as well. BangPD tells us to take a seat, so we do. I get distracted a little by looking around his office. His room is so big and spacious. Windows and shelves align his walls. You can see the whole city from here and especially the Han River. I snap back to reality when BangPD asks what I do around here.

"I just moved from the U.S. and I applied to go to Dankook University to study music. I want to become a lyricist so that's why I signed up for the job here. I didn't know I would be coming to BigHit entertainment, " I say looking around again.

"What an excellent choice of school. I've known many people who have gone there. And about interning here, I thought the manager would have told you all the information but she forgot the most important thing, " he says chucking a little.

"It's fine. I like surprises, " I say laughing. He chuckles again and looks over to Hana.

"This here is Hama. She has been interning here for a couple of months already. I hope you guys can become close. You and her will work great together with Seojoon."

"Hana and I have already met, " I say looking over to her again, smiling.

Right when he said that a tall slim but muscular man walks in. His hair bounces as he walks, dressed casually. BangPD calls him over and tells him to introduce him to us.

"Hello, my name is Seojoon and you will be working with me, " he says bowing at us. Hana and I stand up and bow back.

"Nice to meet you, " I say smiling. "I can't wait to work with you. I'll do my best."

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