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Readers POV

You and Chen were hanging out like usual. But the way he was acting was not usual in fact he was acting was the exact opposite. He was always so cheerful and talkative, but now he was all quite and seemed nervous. "Hey Chen oppa what's up? Why do you look nervous?" You asked while tilting your head to the side. He clears his throat "it's nothing Y/N" he said but you were not convinced. "Okay then" you said then continued the previous conversation.

Chen's POV

I swear Y/N will be the death of me. She's so cute. But I don't have the guts to tell her I love her. "Hey have you started the project in language arts?" Y/N asks. "Uh yeah I did the writing part and not I'm trying to do the doll but I keep poking myself with the damn needle" I say as Y/N starts laughing " hey! That's not funny the really hurts" I complain as she calms down. "I'm sorry Chen. I didn't mean to laugh I was just imagining you with the needle and the fabric" she stops to giggle "trying to sew it together and every five seconds you prick your finger" she said then continues laugh. "Whatever" I say as I pout. "I'm sorry oppa." She's says as she does aegyo. "Yah! You know that's my weakness that's not fair!" I say as I cover my eyes. She will be the death of me! She's to cute this should be illegal! I think as she takes takes hand away from my eyes....


Ha cliff hanger! *laughs evily* I'm sorry that I'm evil... jk I was just lazy sue me

This is dedicated to NymphKailee my baby! I hope you see this Yeobo!

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