Hanta Sero x Reader

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Feliz navidad, Mi Alma

Bruh!! Thought I published this on Christmas only to find out I didn't!!! So this one and the New Years one will be posted together.

Anything in this font is a translation of the Spanish and anything in this font is an authors note and in case you didn't read the description of the book, I tend to do a lot of those so sorry if you don't like that 😅

It was one week before Christmas and I couldn't find a gift for Hanta, I thought about clothes but he had enough of that, shoes but we was never a really big shoe person, jewelry was out of the question since the year was a bit rough on funds so even if I did find the perfect piece it would go over budget. So my last resort, a homemade gift. I've always been told that I have pretty good artistic skills so it was my best (and cheapest) option.

I ran to the nearest craft store and got to work.

By the time I was done Hanta called to say that he was off of work and that he'll be home soon. Giving me just enough time to wrap the gift and find a hiding place for it, only issue is I suck at hiding things from him because I would find a good hiding place I most likely won't be able to reach so my best option was to just shove it into my pillowcase and hope for the best.

As the week goes by I was constantly changing where it's hidden, from the pillowcase to my sock drawer and even my own shirt at some point, hey anything to keep it hidden.

Once Christmas Eve arrives I wait for him to fall asleep so that I can hide the gift. Once I was 100% sure he was asleep I wiggled out of his grasp and got the gift from it's current hiding place, the utensils drawer.

I ran to the living room as quickly and quietly as possible only to find him right there, sitting in a seat in front of the tree with the most sly smirk I've ever seen him make.

"Y que es eso, cariño?" (And what is that, dear/darling?) he asks.

Even after getting caught red handed I still try to hide it. I had to keep some shred of dignity

"N- nothing!" I stutter out. Damn, now I know that he's got me!

"Oh really?" He asks before pulling me close with his quirk.

"I see, so this" he snatches the gift that I'm still trying to hide behind me, "is nothing?" he continues as he waves the gift tauntingly in his hand. So I just give up on hiding it.

"It's your Christmas gift." I sighed heavily.

"You're so bad at hiding things, amor." (Love) he chuckles before pressing a soft kiss to my neck.

"May I open it? It's already midnight and I'm kind of impatient." He asks

A simple nod is all I give as a response so he opens it.

Inside the box, a beautiful hand made picture frame with hand painted picture of the two of us splashing water at each other, a memory from our first date. He sucks in the smallest bit of air at the sight of the gift.

"You really are the most talented person on earth." His voice so soft and full of love that I can't help but melt in his grasp.

"Esperate aqui." (Wait here) He orders as he places me on the seat he was previously seated on.

He walks into the kitchen and reaches for something at the top of the cabinets, a place where he often hides things because only he can reach them. He returns to me and hands me a small yet beautifully wrapped box. I open it softly as to not destroy the pretty paper.

Inside the box was a small leather bracelet with a rose gold plaque and 'Mi Alma' (My Soul) engraved on it.

"Now we match." As he holds up his hand which is wearing a matching bracelet but the plaque was white gold and the plaque said (insert nickname for him here) on it instead.

A/N: I usually call my boyfriend 'Amor' or 'Mi Vida' but it gets a little confusing for him because I also call our daughter Mi Vida 😅

He helps me put the bracelet on and we return to bed and cuddle until noon.

The end

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