The aftermath.

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                Jealousy disgusts me. Taking actions on jealousy is what can drive someone over bored. My life consists of this. Jealous girl, after jealous man, after jealous person! It just gets to me! I sit in the hospital chair while thinking about this. Was jealousy the reason my best friend is laying in the hospital bed….bleeding to death? I wouldn’t be shocked. Not one bit.

                “How is she?” Austin comes running in, panting, and sweating. I don’t look up from my thoughts. “Don’t know. They haven’t told us anything yet.”  The anger and impatience in my voice annoys Austin. Danni’s older brother isn’t fawn of me, or anyone other than her and Maze. He’s a working 18 year-old who is always pissed off about something. “Whatever.” He sits at a seat down from me, thank god, and probably is worrying just as much as I am. I sit, messing with my fingers, when my phone buzzes from my back pocket. And it’s Valery. She been calling me for the past hour and I’ve ignore her every single call. I’m not mad at her or anything…I just don’t want to talk to her right now. It’s bugging me. She’s bugging me.

                Also, Maze and Isis are bugging me. Everyone is just…bugging me. I saw Danni drop to the floor. Her blood pouring all over the pavement, to my shoes. I thought she was dead. I thought it was all over. I thought I’d lost her. Maybe I have. “Kobi Elrod. Austin Felton.” A big blonde nurse came in who was covered in cartoon smiles calls for us. We both stand up at the same time; for the same thing. “This way please.”

                We follow her down a long hallway to a quiet room: 613. “Please be quiet. She hasn’t said a word in the time she woke up. Also, she looks very… confused.” When we enter I see a wide eyed pale girl with long black messy hair. There’s a patch on the right side on her sulk where she was hit. And the nurse is right…she looks so…confused.

                “Hey,” Austin runs right next to her, grabbing her hand, as I walk to the other side of her. “Um, hi…what happened? My head hurts.” She tries to touch her head, but then stops herself. Austin lets go of her hand and stares at me. Guess he wants to know to. “You were hit with a flying brick.” I smile, trying to make a joke out of it, and failed. “A flying brick?!” Austin yells. “Who through it!?” He yells again. I shrug.

                I look down at Danni, whom is looking down too. “Wow, someone must really hate me…” Her voice sounds different; I can’t put my finger on it. Also, something isn’t quite right. “Oh, I have one more question.” She starts. “Who are you guys?”

                My whole body just feels numb. I can’t breathe. I try to answer her, but no words come out. It’s silent for a bit. Looking at Austin he has the same scared look on his face as I do. He speaks first. “I’m your brother.” He whispers. As she thinks I start to worry more. “I don’t remember having a brother.” Her words trail off into somewhere they could be lost.

                “Well,” I start to ask. “What do you remember?” More thinking; more worries. “Nothing.” The one word I was wishing to not come out of her mouth is ringing in my ears. In my brain, knocking back a forth in my sulk. “Nurse!” Austin screams and walk-runs out of the room. Leaving Danni…and the forgotten.


Chills, darkness, fear. The things I remember, the things I only know. Then my eyes are open in a room I’ve never seen before, but I know is a hospital. My head pounds and my thoughts…there is none. Just a huge blank. A blankness that confuses me to death. A few people come in and out of my room. Some with clipboards, some with papers, some with sad expressions. Then a boy comes in. Tall, Skinny, his face is covered by long soft brown hair and he wears the deepest expression. The saddest expression. When he looks me in the eye my chest starts aching. Behind him a buff angry looking guy about the same age as him comes in. They know me, I know them. But, the thing is I don’t remember.

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