Chapter Three: Our future as the days pass

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I am tired of playing house. We have been here a week and a half, everyday we eat three meals together and pretend it's a happy fathers daughter relationship. And if I don't comply then he threatens to hurt Ben.

He gives me a lot more freedom then I expected. I explored most of the house but there wasn't much in it that could be useful.

He lets me be alone with Ben for five minutes each day and it's not long enough.

I was afraid to be alone with my dad because I thought maybe he would try something with me, like when I was young, but he hasn't. He hasn't done anything to indicate that is what he wants from me.

I guess I'm too old for him now.

God, the thought sent chills down my thought.

I hate him I hate him so fucking much.

I came out of the room I sleep in and sat at the table.

"Good morning sunshine!" He greeted setting a plate in front of me.

I didn't reply, I just picked up my fork and began eating.

"Oh the silent treatment is your technique. I see." He said sarcastically.

"Wait where is Ben?" I asked after he sat down and started to eat.

"Now she speaks. Interesting." He smirked. I shot him a dirty look.

"Ben and I had a little disagreement so he's not gonna eat today." He said fidgeting with his fork.

I started to worry.

"Wh-what happened?" I asked in a calmer tone to not set him off.

"I can't talk to you about it, it doesn't seem appropriate." He looked like he was trying to hold back laughter.

I looked at him with a blank expression.

"Don't look at me like that, like it's my fault."

Deep breath Aero, he's insane, don't let him get to you.

"Please please be nice to him." I begged. It was so fake but I made it convincing.

He frowned at me and crossed his arms.

I swallowed a big breath of air before adding, "Please, daddy."

"Anything for you baby." He stood up and grabbed a plate.

I almost threw up in my mouth.

"Let me bring it to him." I said standing up quickly.
He smiled and handed me the plate.

I quickly walked and opened the door to Bens room.

"Hey," I said shutting the door behind me. The look on his face scared me half to death. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"We have to get out of here." He whispered.

"I know but we have no way out." I pointed out.

The front door- the only door- had an electric lock on the inside that only my father knows the code to.

I figured that out the hard way on day two.

"Aero- I'm so serious. We have to leave we can't stay here with him anymore." He said. He grabbed the plate from my hands and threw it on the bed. He put his hands in mine and squeezed tightly.

"He is the legit the craziest person I've ever met. We have to get out of here. You have to get out of here."

"Ben, what did he say to you?" I asked concerned. Ben wasn't acting this frightened yesterday- so I'm assuming this behavior has to do with their conversation this morning.

"Aero...he...he wants a child," he started.

He's always been a predator so I'm not that surprised.

"He said that Scott wasn't good enough. He said he wasn't good enough as you and Parker. He thinks it's because he's not biologically apart of the family."

My heart was beating fast now.

"Ben..." I started but was cut off.

"Aero he told me I have to get you pregnant. He said he needs grandchildren." He squeezed my hands tighter.

Fuck fuck fuck.

"But we- I don't- what the-," my mind couldn't comprehend everything that was going on.

"Aero I won't do it. I would never comply with something that insane.

A tear fell down my check as he pulled me in and hugged me. I laid my head on his chest and quietly sobbed.

"But if we don't comply-he'll hurt you." I cried. He continued to hold onto me. I could hear his heart pounded against his chest.

"Like I said. You need to get out of here."

I pulled away and looked him straight in the face. "Stop saying "you", it's "we". We need to get out of here." I cried harder.

He shushed me and replied, "I have a plan. It's a really stupid plan that I hate- I despise it. Because if anything happened to you I couldn't live with myself. But being stuck here isn't living."

He started to cry too.

"Why can't you be the one to leave. Why can't you get out?" I asked.

He used his sleeve to wipe my face. "He doesn't care enough about me. If he cares as much about you as I think he does- it should work. I just..." his voice trailed off.

"You what, Ben?" I asked.

"I don't know what will happen to me." He answered.

"No," I shook my head. "I don't want to do it then."

"Aero. It's the only option we have."

I knew deep down he was right.

"We're supposed to live together. We're supposed to go to college together, live out our dreams. Get married, grow old together. We're only 18." I cried.

He sniffled and wiped his face. "Aero, will you marry me?" He asked.

"What?" I said in shock. He squeezed my hands again.

"I know there isn't fireworks in the background, I don't have a ring and I'm not down on my knee, but I don't know if I'll ever get to ask you again. So, Aero Carlton, will you marry me?"

"Yes." I was barely able to say it as I was choking back more tears.

"I love you." he whispered as I hugged him again.

"I love you." I said back.

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