alice in wonderland method

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hi guys! so just know i have not personally tried this method out myself:)

1. meditate for at least 5-10 minutes

2. put on a subliminal.

3. lay down, it must be on your back and no limbs touching! and close your eyes. visualize you're sitting against a tree and you see someone from your dr run past you.

4. get up and start running after them. they then go down a rabbit hole and you follow.

5. THIS PART IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! once you go into the rabbit hole, it will feel like you're falling. STAY CALM. visualize things you're leaving behind as you're falling. (ex. homework, school) you should start feeling intense symptoms!

6. when you're done falling, you'll see a key and a locked door. use the key and open the door.

7. once you've gone into the door, you'll see the person from your dr you were just running after.

8. they will ask "are you ready to go?" you say yes. take their hand, and they'll lead you to your dr room that you scripted you'd wake up in.

9. you will see yourself. lay down wherever you are, if it's a bedroom or a couch or whatever, and get into the same position you started this method in. on your back!

10. now to go to sleep and when you wake up you should be in your dr!

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