Episode 7 (Pt. 2) - Captain Alefs

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First Officer Alefs and Dr

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First Officer Alefs and Dr. Tate made their way to the tribal base. Due to the problem with the oxygen, Dr. Tate has procured an oxygen tank and mask, for emergency use. More were waiting at the ship, for the crew and soldiers which had come with them, in case they were here longer than expected.

The two followed a trail the doctor seemed familiar with. Forestry and plant-life flanked their path, a confining force all around them. The plants, which varied from vibrant greens to blues, were a rare sight to Alefs. Her home planet was one of volcanic niceties and fanatical infernos, explosive reds and oranges, entirely composed of molten or rock. A stark contrast to the cool appearance of Salandians. Alefs missed the warmth, something which she could only find in hugs and hot drinks now. There was a semblance of comfort from the atmosphere pressing down on Alefs. A humid, thick air, which acted as a blanket. While this brought Alefs some comfort, her mind was distracted with the plants. They were deflated and stressed. Alefs fretted over them, throughout the journey, also rambling on about the oxygen levels from before their departure. Dr. Tate frequently urged Alefs to remember why they were here.

Alefs could hear commotion far before they reached it. The language was one that she did not know, whatever was being said or expressed was not something that she understood. The smell of smoke was also one that Alefs would have recognized from miles away. Dr. Tate grew uneasy, the closer they got.

The path spit out of the shrub and into a tribal site. A few huts were on fire, some of the sentients were jabbing at each other or quarreling, and it seemed to be overall pandemonium in the camp. When Alefs and Dr. Tate were spotted, though, it caused an immediate ceasefire of all activities. Loud cries came from the creatures' mouths. The natives swarmed Dr. Tate and Alefs.

"Hello, friends." Alefs greeted, not sure if they would understand her, or if they would understand any language that she knew. They only prodded at her with their clubs and spears. It was less of a display of an aggression and more of an urge toward one of the biggest huts.

"They wanted the... you to be present for the trial. So, I guess that must be where they want us to go?" Dr. Tate, who was experiencing the same treatment as Alefs, commented.

"That would be most logical, yes," Alefs concurred.

The two were escorted inside the largest hut. Alefs found it akin to an amphitheater. In the center, tied to stakes, were the crew members she was tasked to bring home.

"Wait—" Delegate Trikzdak began.

The confusion between the crew was evident.

Two the larger natives went and retrieved Tonzedié, letting him free to act as translator.

"What is going on?" Tonzedié asked Alefs and Dr. Tate, once the two were close enough. "Captain Haynes should be here..." He sounded anxious, now.

"He has sent me in his stead." Alefs answered, unaware of how that sounded.

Dr. Tate choked and coughed a few times. "What Captain Alefs here meant," she corrected. "Is that she's sorry for the delay. We had some... bumps along the way."

"We did not come in contact with any bumps, on our journey here." Alefs stated, confused why Dr. Tate would say such a thing. The flight here had been smooth. Nonetheless, she realized that she must show that she was Captain.

Dr. Tate was getting a bit flustered and flabbergasted. "It's an... expression..."

"Did..." Tonzedié's ears swiveled back. "I do not understand..."

"I'll tell you want I don't understand, why the freak you aren't getting us out of here yet!" Zanth snapped from where she was tied. Her wings were bound again, and, in the current position she was forced to be in, looked to be enduring some extreme discomfort. "Where's the Captain?"

Alefs shifted. She didn't like to lie, but... Captain Haynes had instructed her to. "I am Captain."

"What?" Ji Hoon asked, a dark expression clouded his face.

Even Kolg appeared perplexed.

Zanth scowled. "Did Captain Stink-Brains get eaten while we were gone?" She asked, a snark edge to the words.

Before Alefs could reply with an expression of confusion and request for clarification, Dr. Tate interjected. "If y'all want to get out of here, please just be quiet and trust us, okay? Alefs is Captain now."

The natives started shouting at them, not all that pleased to be kept waiting.

"We are going to die... The chances of survival now rest are very low levels..." Tonzedié muttered, more so to himself.

"Low? We're going to freaking die—" Zanth hissed at Tonzedié.

"Major Ando, would you please tell me what they are saying?" Alefs asked. They needed to get the procession moving. She folded her hands behind her back, which was a common stance for the Vice Admiral.

Zanth made angry mutterings and expressions, but the crew remained otherwise quiet now.

Tonzedié's whiskers twitched, his eyes narrowed in on Alefs. "They are mad at you, for having such a 'sinful' crew, and would like you to act as our defense in front of their divine judge. They want to know whether or not you'll act as such."

Alefs doubted there were very many other options. After leaving the bridge, there had been little discussion of how the crew was getting out, with Captain Haynes. Only that he had a plan, and that it didn't depend on them necessarily. To help Alefs focus on her part of the plot, he'd said she and Dr. Tate only needed to keep the natives appeased long enough and that the rest would fall into place, on his orders.

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