part 45

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Couple days angel and her mom made it to New york angel and her mom waited at the airport for mer moms friend to pick them up and bring them back at their home where they are going to stay for 3 weeks. Angel looked at her mom.

A: this friend of your married?
M: of course he is, he has a son older then you and a daughter who is in high school.
A: great.
M: if you hadn't met taehyung i wanted to hook you up with his son.
A: ew mom i barly know him.
M: I know. Oh there he is.

She waved at a black car that was coming their way angel smiles the guy got out of his car and help.them with their bags.

M; honey this is John my friend snice high school.
A: hello.
M: john this is my daughter angel.
J: nice to meet you, can't wait to introduce you to my family.

Angel smile then they all got in the car taehyung text angel she smiles and text back. Its been a long time snice angels mom seen her friend John, he doesn't know much about angel or her mom anymore. Her mom sat in the passenger side and angel sat behind her, John was looking at angel in the view mirror.

J: so still work as a model?
A: huh? No I quit.
J: why?
M: cause I needed her to when her father was still alive.
J: oh? Your husband passed?
M: yeah last year.
J: im so sorry.
M: thats okay. I still love him.
J: so angel what you doing now?
A: working at a makeup company.

Angel was answering him without even looking at him because she is texting to taehyung.

J: I can't wait to introduce you to my son especially.

Angel looked at the view mirror she glared.

A: why?
J; I want to see if you will like him, will since your single and all I want you guys to you know date and have some fun.

Angel placed her phone down and mover her mouth back and forth angels mom nervously chuckled and hit his arm.

J: ow! What? But angel my son is a really big fan of yours when you were a model-

Angel cut him off.

A: you know John.
J: what?
A: im actually engaged.

Angel show him her ring, Johns eye widened with shock.

J: wha- when you got engaged?
A: couple days ago. So sorry I can't be with your son because my heart already belongs to someone.

After that chat the whole car ride was quite then they finally made it to John's place they got out of the car angel look at the house.

A: he lives in a mansion?
M: no house. Just a house.
A: ok.

Angel grab her things.

??: honey your home!

Angel turn and saw John's wife and kids come out of the house.

J: hey guys. So um this is my friend from high school park bongcha.
W: hello I'm his wife Sarah.
J: and this is her daughter Lee angel.
A: hello.
W: hello. This is our oldest son Jacob and our daughter Maddie.
Mi: hello

Maddie say and after that they enter their home John show them their guest room that they will be staying in.

A: thank goodness we're sharing a room.
M: why?
A: I don't trust their son.

Angel put her things down then John's wife knock on the door.

S: sorry come down for dinner.
M: we'll be there. Sweetie go changed and come out.
A: fine.

Angel enter the bathroom and changed to something better to wear.


Hair short and white

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Hair short and white

Angel came out and sat down on the dinning table

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Angel came out and sat down on the dinning table. They all ate and then John's wife say.

S: my son is in a university hes studying yo be a nurse.
M: how nice.

She later looked at angel and she wasn't even looking she was enjoying the food.

S: you know my son never got a girlfriend before and so I thought he would like to take angel on a date. A real date so they can get along and you know get married in the future.
Ja: mom~~~~

Jacob say angel finished chewing and she slam down her knife and fork they all flinched angels mom and John was making a face angel looked at Sarah.

A: im sorry mrs....
S: William.
A: mrs.William i don't think I can be with your son.
S: why not? Your 20 and cute hes 23 and cute and I totally see you two are perfect together.
Ja: mom~~~
S: what Jacob its ture.

Angel snap her lips.

A: the reason why I don't think I can be with him is because I'm engaged.

Angel show her the ring Sarah gasped.

A: I don't come to New york with my mom to get high fives with guys. I come here for vacation and waiting to return to LA snice my man is over there waiting for me.
S: im so sorry I didn't notice.
A: will my two hands were on the table to let you see. So excuse me.

Angel got up and left then went to her phone angels mom looked at them.

M: so sorry but its true.
S: what her fiancee looks like?
M: around his mid 20s, tall and handsome.

She smiles because she knows what angel is when it comes to guys talk, angel sat on the bed and call taehyung.

T: hello?
A: I hate it here.
T: your at new york have fun.
A: I hate it because this "friend" family doesn't even know im engaged with you and try to get me to be with their son.
T: what the hell.
A: I know. So I left the middle of dinner.
T: you better not let this son touch you.
A: oh you know I won't.
T: sorry babe I gotta go.
A: okay love you.
T: love you too.

They hang up angel looked and sigh then her mom came in.

A: I don't get why she doesn't see my engagement ring when its literally right there in her face.
M: im sorry honey, they just didn't know.
A: will they should have. I get that this John guy haven't seen you snice you finished school but like wtf.
M: well they have a big family dinner happening next week and want us to go.
A: great. I missed taehyung.
M: I know you do sweetheart.

Angel lay in the bed and just sigh. Taehyung was leaving work early he was driving home.

T: angel will be back and yeah I'm jealous and mad that they try to hook her up with their son. Ugh! So annoying.

Angel went and grab a glass of water and then she heard someone talked behind her.

Ja: sorry about my mom, she just didn't know you were engaged.
A: I can tell.
Ja: I did have a ex but we broke up last year because my parents didn't like her much.
A: I see.
Ja: does your fiancee family care that you guys are engaged?
A: will my fiancee doesn't have a family from the start so I bet they don't care who he marries.

Angel turn to him and walk away he looked at her and just walk to his room. Angel got in the room and chill in there. Taehyung was at the livingroom with Mark.

T: so you did it with your girl yet?
M: yh last month.
T: good. Your not a virgin anymore.
M: same goes to you.

They both laughed.

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