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He spent the whole night cleaning and organizing his office to make a nursery for the babies. Ari came through with cribs and a changing table. She also somehow came up with enough clothes to last a lifetime. He had bottles and formula covering his kitchen and diapers overflowing from his closets. He had no idea how she did it, but she made it happen.

But once that was all done and set up, he was nervous. It meant that the babies would soon be coming home, with him. He would be alone without the help from the clinic.

He didn't know if he was ready for that just yet. Hell, he didnt know of whenever would be ready. But because those babies were his blood and belonged to his sister, he knew he had to try for her. He had to try and be what they needed him to be. No matter how tired he was.

Those babies need him and he will do all he can for them.

As he walked out of his cabin and toward the lake, something about the smell in the air took away all his stress. The smell of jasmine filled the air. He wasnt sure where it was coming from, but he enjoyed it.

The smell relaxed him as he walked down the short path to the lake. He was just stripping off his shirt when he heard a splash in the water. He paused and looked out to see what was the cause. He could see ripples on the surface of the water but nothing came up. So he continued to take his clothes off.

Once naked he took off at a run only to come up short when he saw a woman emerge from the water. He couldnt help but watch. Her long blonde hair was slicked back and the ends were hidden by the water. The water only came up to just about the middle of her stomach. Her breasts were on display. She wasnt wearing a bathing suit top. He knew because he could see her erect nipples in the morning glow.

He couldnt take his eyes off her, but he knew that before she turned and saw him he needed to get out of there. He gathered his clothes and raced to his cabin. He hoped she hadn't seen him standing there.

That would be a mess he didnt need right now.


Swimming seemed to relax her. Something about floating or diving under the surface helped calm her nerves. It was her preferred form of exercise. Always had been. Well until recently.

She rose up out of the water and knew she wasnt alone. There was someone else at the lake. She didnt need to look to know. Something just told her she wasnt alone.

She knew she should have covered herself but she didnt want to. She enjoyed feeling free. Swimming naked always did that for her. For some reason, she didnt feel the need to cover up. She didnt feel the need to look at who else was there. She just didnt care.

After everything that had happened recently, she needed this. Her talk  Rage didnt prove helpful. Although he said he would do some research and try to push the transfer faster, he couldnt guarentee that it would work. She had hoped talking to gin would help her. She wanted to make sure their money wouldnt be touched. But without his help, there was nothing she could do. Short of going to Blaines camp and withdrawing all the money herself. Which would be risky seeing as she wasnt allowed there at the moment.

Besides, if Blaine caught wind of her withdrawing the money, she wouldnt put it past him to try and take it. After all it's what he wants most from her and her sister.

She shakes the thoughts out of her head and walks toward shore. Shes alone now. Always alone. She wraps a towel around herself and she makes her way up to her cabin.

Something tells her to look at the cabin next door and when she does, she sees the man from the clinic. The one who confronted her about the  babies. She quickly looks away from him and races inside.

Once in her room, she dresses and braids her hair. She then heads to the kitchen. Charity is gone. A note is left in her place.


I am down at the schoolhouse. I was told to look into an open position that they may have had.

If all goes well, I will have a job by tonight.

Eat whatever you like and I hope to see you later.



At least one of them was sure of this stay granted upon them. At least her sister didnt have to worry about her safety or if she was a danger. At least Charity didnt know what she knew about Blaine. At least Charity seemed happy being here.

She was on the fence. She had yet to understand what was done to her. She had yet to know anything. She wanted to believe that Rage meant they could stay, but she knew from expirence Alphas aren't always honest.

She was just walking into the kitchen when a knock came on the front door. Unsure of herself, she carefully opened the door. There stood a woman tall and thin with long red hair. She looked so beautiful. Like she was a model or something.

"Are you Chastity?  Rage said I could find you here." The woman says.

"I... I am. Who are you?" She asks.

"My name is Kai. I am a halfling friend of Rages. He said I should talk to you. Mind if I come in?"

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