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She woke feeling sluggish. Almost like she hadn't slept well. Which was the case of the last week. She barely slept. Between hearing the babies, next door, crying, and thinking about Passion and their two almost kisses, she couldn't sleep. Not for lack of trying, she did everything she could think of to get some sleep, none of it worked. So, she was sleep deprived for basically a week.

She moved to get out of bed and her head started aching. She frowned. The pain was all too familiar. She remembered it from the time she went to the clinic and needed blood. Ari, the doctor, had told her she would need to come back in two weeks. Its been just over a week. Surely this wasn't her needed to feed again, was it?

She knew she needed to go to the clinic, just in case it was in fact her needing to feed again. Which she hoped wasn't the case. So, she forced herself out of bed and to get dressed. She chose yoga pants and a long sleeved black fitness top. If it was just a headache, she wanted to go for a run later. She wanted to get some exercise. Plus she wanted to visit her sister at the school house and see how she was doing in her job, since they hadn't really seen each other lately. Even if they do live together.

She was leaving the house when crying greeted her. The sound caught her attention and she turned toward the sound. There in the front lawn of Passion's cabin, was Passion sitting on a blanket with both babies. He was surrounded by toys. She smiled at the scene, but stopped when she realized that Passion was holding a crying baby while trying to feed the other baby.

Without thinking she jumped into action and took the crying baby. She cuddled him onto her shoulder and started patting him and swaying. She found herself humming to him. It didn't take long for him to calm down. She didn't know how he calmed down so quickly but she, herself, felt a sense of calm wash over her. She welcomed the feeling, as her head was still aching.

She carefully set the baby down on the blanket and turned to leave.

"Wait." she heard Passion say.

Slowly she turned to face him. "Yes?"

"Are you alright?" He asks her. "I haven't seen you in a while and I wanted to make sure you weren't hurt by the fall the other day."

"My pride was a little bruised, but I am fine." she says.

Her body felt warm as he looked her up and down. She didn't know why, but something told her not to leave him. She forgot about her head and the sluggish feeling as she sat down and picked the baby back up. Just looking at him felt right. She felt like she was meant to hold this baby. Like she was supposed to be here at this moment. She couldn't explain the feeling, but she enjoyed it.

She wanted children of her own, but knew that would probably never happen. She hadn't found her mate before she became a halfling, she doubted she would find him now. Though, she wanted to find her mate, she wanted to be loved and cared for by someone who wanted her, but knew that was a tall order. Who would want a halfling who needed blood to survive? Who would want to be her mate when she needed to visit the clinic for blood every two weeks? She doubted a man or wolf would want that.

It hurt her knowing that wouldn't happen, but she told herself not to think about it. She would eventually find a family to nanny for. She would live through taking care of others children. She would take care of children and that would fill that empty void that shes been trying to ignore for years.

"Chastity?" She heard him call her name.

She looked up from the baby in her arms and gave him a small smile. "Sorry, I was lost in thought."

"I figured. I want to know if you would be willing to nanny for the babies? I have to return back to work in a few days and I need someone to take care of them." He says.

He wants her to take care of the babies? Doesn't his mate need to agree to that? It makes no sense, why is he making this decision on his own.

"Is your mate okay with this? I mean, me, a halfling, taking care of your children?" She asks.

She hadn't meant to ask that, but apparently her brain wanted to know.

He smiles. "I don't have a mate. I am unmated. These babies are my niece and nephew, Cree and Crew. My sister asked me to care for them as she is in a situation where she cant take care of them."

She felt stupid for asking. She had seen the proof of his lack of mate in his cabin and the way he almost kissed her twice. No wolf would kiss someone who wasn't their mate. It would hurt them to do that. More than just that. It would hurt their mate as well. Physically. She should have known, but she didn't want to assume.

"I... I'm sorry." She says softly, feeling embarrassed.

"Don't be. I understand why you wondered. I would have too." He says. "So what do you say?"

She knew he needed her. She needed the work. But could she work in his house, when every time she is there they almost kiss.

"I can pay you. Probably not what you are used to making at Blaine's camp but I can pay you something." He says.

"I... I..." She says as her head starts throbbing again, harder this time.

She carefully sets the baby down on the blanket and gets to her feet. "I will let you know... I need to.... I need to go to the clinic."

She moves as fast as her sore body and head will allow her. But before long she is crawling up the stairs of the clinic. She knocks on the door and Ari is answering the door.

"Chastity!" She calls.

"Help me." Chastity says before the world goes black again.

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