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"As a halfling you will need blood once or twice a month. Sometimes longer depending on what all you do. Ari will have a store of blood for you. I suggest you visit her for the first few feedings you need. She can help teach you how to ingest it." The woman who Rage told her is his cousin Kai.

She shivered at the talk of drinking blood. She didnt want to drink blood. She didnt want to need it. She wanted to be normal and not have to worry about it.

"Eventually you will become used to it." Kai tells her.

"Will... will I hurt people if I go too long without it?" She asked.

She needed to know. If that was going to happen she would leave the pack. She would go out on her own and she would thrive on her own without the risk of hurting her pack.

"No, you have the perfect example of what happens when you wait too long. Exactly what happened today will happen again. You wont become bloodthirsty, I promise you." Kai says. "The pain is the indicator of not feeding on time. Keep up on it and you will be fine."

She didnt know what to say. She has just learned so much in a short time. Blood, strength, the fact that she can will herself wherever she wants to go or to whoever she wants to see. Her brain is going crazy trying to process it all.

Kai swore she was safe around the others. Kai told her she has lived around the pack since she was turned. She tells her that she just had to feel confident in herself and she will be fine.

"Kids? Can I be around kids?" Chastity asks.

"I have two children. I'm around them every day. They are safe with me. I have yet to hurt them. They are my world and I would never hurt them." Kai tells her. "You aren't actually a vampire. You just have a few of their abilities and not so good habits. You are still your wolf and yourself. You are just enhanced."

Chastity nodded. What else could she do? She appreciated the fact that Kai came to talk to her about being a halfling and telling her everything she did, but she still wasnt sure.

How would Rages pack accept her if she was a halfling? Would anyone hire her as their nanny? Would anyone demand she leave? Would she be allowed around the children? Would they trust her?

She had so many questions but she knew Kai didnt have the answer. She knew that Rage accepted her, but was that because he actually accepted her or because of her sister.

There were still so many insecurities inside her but she wouldnt voice them. She would work on each one in turn and come to terms wi lth that. She needed to. She had to. For herself prove that she is still strong. That Blaine didnt break her.

Because what Blaine did to her was terrible. Singling her out and sending her on missions where she was almost always attacked. Or using her as his own personal slave. She would never forgive him for making her work harder than anyone else in the pack. She would never forgive him.

She watched as Rage and Kai leave her room. She lays in the bed and waits for the doctor to come and release her. She would need to find a job fast, because she would need to pay Rage for his medical services. She would need to find a way to pay him for everything he has done for her.

The doctor comes in almost as if thinking about her called her up.

"How are you feeling? Anymore pain?" The doctor asks her.

She shakes her head. "No more pain."

The doctor nods. "Go home, relax and try not to do anything strenuous for the rest of the day. That blood needs to do its job. I'll see you back in two weeks for your next feeding."

Chastity rolled her eyes. Seeing a doctor to be fed was not on the top of her to do list. She didnt want to let this happen. She didnt want to be a halfling. She wanted to lead a normal life with her sister and be happy. She wanted to find her mate and have children.

Now... now no one would want her because she of what she was. Because of what was done to her. She was a freak and broken. She would never find happiness.

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