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By the time both babies are in bed for the night, she has bathed, fed, and changed them. She has cleaned the house, made dinner, and tried to figure out what was going on with her sister. Something was wrong with her.

Charity didn't stick around for very long after Passion left that morning. She said she had to work and needed to go. She didn't want to miss a day of work. This worried Chastity, because they hadn't gotten the chance to talk about what Charity had found out the day before. Chastity had hoped to tell her sister about it and why she kept it from her.

Aside from Charity, Chastity was worried about Passion. Not because he was out on pack business, but because she wasn't sure if he actually wanted her. She had wanted to spend the day talking to him about it. She wanted to make sure he was alright with her being a halfling and that she needed blood. She wasn't sure how he was thinking and what he wanted, as he had left pretty early that morning. But she took the day to think about what she wanted to ask him and how she wanted to talk to him about everything.

She was pulled from her thoughts when the front door opened and he came in. His clothes were ripped and covered in dirt and what looked like blood. She didn't waste a second, she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bathroom. She tore his shirt off of him to inspect him. His chest had a few healing scratches on it. His arm was healing from what looked like a deep cut, and he was covered in dirt.

She found another washrag and got it damp. She carefully cleaned each and every one of his cuts. She wiped the dirt and blood from each one, before moving onto the next one. Once satisfied, she started the shower for him. She stepped out, giving him space to shower off the dirt from what ever happened to him.

But she didn't get far, because a warm strong arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her back into the room. His lips were on hers as soon as the door closed behind them. He only pulled back when he pulled her shirt off of her. He ripped her pants, bra and panties off of her. As soon as she was naked, he pulled her into the shower with him.

She didn't have time to react. He pulled her to his chest again. His lips smashed against hers in a demanding, passion filled kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him as her legs felt like her legs were growing weak. He backed her against the shower wall. He grabbed her hands and held them over her head, as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

His cock pressed against her core and she moaned into his mouth. She bit down on his lower lip, when his cock jumped and pressed against her clit. She moaned when his free hand started playing with her breasts. Twisting and pulling at her nipples.

She felt like she was on fire. Wave after wave of pure hot desire rolled through her. His mouth moved down her jaw and to her neck, where he nipped, licked, and sucked, making her moan with each new sensation.

She found herself grinding against his cock, making him moan. He pushed her further into the wall as his mouth took hers again. He let go of her wrists and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him impossibly tighter to her.

She could feel him get into position at her entrance. She moaned at the sensation. He slammed into her, causing her to cry out at the sudden burst of pain inside her. He stilled and pulled back from her, seemingly in shock.

"Fuck... Chastity... Im sorry..." He stammered.

He tried to pull out of her, but her legs wouldn't let him. She held him in place, not wanting him to move.

"I should have known. I should have been gentler... Fuck... Please, I am so sorry." He begs her. "Please forgive me."

She pulls him back down for a kiss, showing him she forgives him. She had wanted to tell him, but she hadn't had the chance, he wouldn't let her. His kisses had distracted her. It was her fault he wasn't prepared.

Soon enough, he was kissing her back and the pain and slipped away and was replaced with a need for friction. A need for pleasure that his cock, inside her, could give her. As she kissed him, she found herself grinding into him. She couldn't do much more than grind into him. But he got the message.

He started pulling out of her before thrusting back into her. The act sent wave after wave of pleasure through her body. Making her moan out his name. As he continued and the pleasure continued to mount within her, she found herself raking her nails up his back.

When he slowed his thrusts down, she growled and bit his neck. When he sped up and cried out in pleasure. She bit and sucked his neck. Never wanting to not give him pleasure.

His thrusts began to come quicker and faster. Harder and harder. Pleasure continued to mount within her. Soon, an explosion of white hot pleasure took over her body. She cried out his name as he bit down on her neck, effectively marking her. The act sent him over the edge as he suddenly stilled within her, cock jumping as he growled out his pleasure.

She didn't know how long they stayed like that, but when he unhooked her legs and dropped her feet to the ground, she feared she would fall. Her legs felt like Jello and she wasn't sure they would hold her up. But she didn't have to worry about that.

He turned her into the water, not letting her go, and washed her hair and body. She closed her eyes and enjoyed his pampering. Once she was clean, he shut the water off and wrapped her in a towel. He carried her into his room and helped her dress in one of his t-shirts. He towel dried her hair, before helping her into bed.

Just as her head hit the pillow, one of the babies started crying. She made a move to get up, but he pushed her back down. Kissed her on the forehead.

"Stay. I will take care of it. Then I will properly shower. Just rest." He says before leaving her in his bed to fall asleep.

She didn't need to be told twice. Sleep took over her as she listened to him talk to the baby.

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