Chapter 16: Symbols

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I did the picture fully! I may be giving a little personal info away with my hand writing.. But I'll figure that out later! And I have a rare POV for you!

-----Nix's POV-----

I looked away from Robin when I heard rustling in the nearby bushes. I put my hand in my jacket, ready to pull out one of my pistols if necessary. I looked over at the other members of the group. Robin had pulled out a staff, Luffy and Chopper were just staring at the bush, so were Sara and Nova, and Danny hid behind Jack. He couldn't turn into a ghost and he was scared that the monster would come back. I tensed up when the rustling grew louder, only to loosen back up and remove my hand from my pocket to regain posture. I walked over and looked down at the face planted 12 year old boy on the ground. I picked up his blue pine tree hat that had fallen off and handed it to him as he got up, placing it back on his head.

Dipper pulled out a red leather book with the number 3 on the front in the middle of a gold six fingered hand and started flipped through the pages wildly. "I-I.. Need to... Show you... guys something." The boy said in between pants. When he had caught his breathe he straightened up fully and pulled out a small light that emitted a blueish glow when turned on. Everyone got up and walked over to him, looking down at the pages. He shown the black light on a page that looked like some words had been erased. On the top of the page it said Symbols, as a heading. The rest said...

'Recently, no matter how hard I try, he keeps coming back! That blasted Bill Cipher! Except last night was different, he had seven others with him. They were odd looking things, and they didn't seem too keen on showing me the symbols on the next page. I think Cipher knew I would write them down! I don't know what they mean, but I'm going to keep trying!'

Dipper shown the light on the next page. This page held eight symbols, one of which stood out. The Black Shadow symbol. Cassiopeia.

-----Danny's POV-----

I stared at the words, but I stared at my emblem the most. Why was the emblem, that Sam designed, in this kid's book!?

"Who gave you that symbol!?" Sara said before I got the chance. I've never heard her so vicous, then again, I haven't known her for more than two days.

"I didn't write the journal! I found it in the woods in Gravity Falls, the author is a mystery. But, I have a feeling he got each of these symbols from a dream."

"And you know this, how?" Robin sounded slightly annoyed, his face didn't look too friendly either. I don't understand why he is so angry, his symbol is right on his chest... Oh right.. Mine sort of is too.

"Because he mentioned Bill Cipher." Dipper said matter-of-factly "He's a dream demon. He can enter people's minds and manipulate their dreams."

"Ok.. Makes sense.. But how'd he get these secret symbols?" Nix's voice was calm but the anger and annoyance was clearly audible.

"Oh.. He also knows every secret to the universe.. Or so he claims." Dipper responded, staring at the page as if remembering something. Chopper's voice yanked him out of it, though.

"Wait! That's the emblem Danny had on his chest in his ghost form!" Robin took a closer look at the page, or really just yanking the book out of Dipper's hands to look at it.

"Ok.. I understand all the other symbols. They each represent those who had the dream. Dipper is the Pine Tree. Jack is the poorly draw staff. I'm the R. Luffy is the straw hat. Nova is the crystal. Nix is the Black Shadow symbol. And Sara has to be the anti celestial thing."

"It's the Magic's Exile Society's symbol!" Sara corrected.

"Whatever. Anyway, this DP thing has to be Danny's emblem.. But he didn't have the dream... Unless.." Robin and everybody else looked at me, even Jack. I started backing up from the group. I've already gotten tossed around in high school, I didn't need people probably a lot stronger than me tossing me around harder. Especially when I can't go ghost.

"I may have had an odd dream... I-I can explain everything.. Just let me, please!" I was still backing up, hands in the air in a I did nothing! Please don't hurt me! way. I was so caught up in doing that, I didn't realize 1: They weren't closing in on me like Dash and the other jocks do. 2: How much of an idiot I looked like. And 3: There was a tree right behind me. I ended up tripping over one of its roots, falling backwards, hitting my head on the trunk, and laying my black hair (that was already sticky from the blood I haven't been able to clean out.. Where can I find a river or stream in this forest!) in the dirt, my hair collecting it. I opened my eyes from the recoil of pain to see Chopper standing over me, worry on his face. I then said some words, loud enough for the others still standing in the huddle to hear me.

"I... I can explain everything."

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