Chapter 5: Sara Tinatti

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Note: Sara is from my story Magic's Exile which I deleted. I might re-post it after this story. If you guys want it that is.

Key: Normal text = real time

Extended Italics = Flashback

-----Sara's POV-----

"My name is Sara Tinatti. I'm a wizard from the kingdom of Honatta and apart of the Society of Magic's Exile."

I woke up after the terrifying dream ended with King Dearnu shooting his blood lightning at me. The voice echoed in my head still. "To the tree to meet the seven. To prevent everything from coming to an end. Or face the trauma again. Face the bad memories. Face the nightmares you've lived through again." I didn't know what it meant, other than it couldn't be good. I picked up the picture of my parents holding me as a baby but quickly put it down again. I grabbed my bag and stepped up to the door. I put my hand on it, watched as it briefly glowed a yellow color, and opened it. I stepped into the Society of Magic's Exile clearing. Hannah was the first to see me and ran toward me. When she hugged me I could barely breath and silently thanked Lewis when he dragged his twin off of me. 

"Hi Sara! Long time no see!" Hannah said excitedly, it was good to see her happy.

"How is Honatta doing?" Lewis followed up.

"Good. I came to speak with Book Keeper." I replied rather simply and started walking towards the old library.

I walked in, savoring the brief smell of old books before it mingled with the rest of the cave's moist smell. I then walked up to the short man who was floating on a book and putting others away on the massive bookshelves.

"Good day Book Keeper!" I yelled up at him.

I immediately regretted that when he nearly fell off his platform. He looked down at me and smiled instead of the annoyed look I was expecting.

"Sara! It's so good to see you again my darling!" He exclaimed rather joyfully as the book floated down and he gave me a small hug. "How can I help you?"

"I wondered if you knew anything about something called 'The Meeting Tree'" 

When I said that his jaw nearly dropped to the floor. He scurried over to a bookshelf and started throwing books around, obviously looking for something. He stopped and blew the dust off a thick blue book. He put it on a table and opened the book titled 'Mysterious things that have never been explained' He flipped through the book rapidly until he came to the page titled 'The Testimonii Ligno' Or 'The Meeting Tree' It told of the lore behind it.

"Do you know where it is?" I asked Book Keeper.

"In fact, yes! I visited there when I first read this book. Here." He handed me the paper with directions on it. I put it in my pocket and thanked him then left him to his work.

When I got out Hannah and Lewis were arguing again. Or Hannah was arguing with Lewis and Lewis just sat there, not caring. He saw me and looked more interested. I quickly told them about my plans and headed out of the cave. I walked into the woods which I spent a good two years of my life in. It sent shudders down my spine when I thought back to being driven out. I quickened my pace until I was out of that dreaded place. I then continued steadily towards the meeting place.

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