Chapter 2: All here

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Before I start... Quick note!

This story will most likely be my main story along with 'A new meaning to 'Survival Horror''

But I will be updating other stories as well.

-----Sara Nova's POV-----

I was running now. I can't believe Dr.Heather woke me up late. I looked so tired... Whatever! I didn't want to be late for this. For once I really wish Fastfeet would have been my crystal and not Nova. I really shouldn't think that...

I have finally approached the meeting place from the dream. Wait a minute it looks exactly like... A crystal tree? But there is only supposed to be nine of those is the world! I looked over at the people under the tree. One person stood out among the rest... White hair, same height.... Jack!

-----Jack's POV-----

Quick transition I know but I had to. You'll agree this next part will be much better in Jack's perspective. And plus, if I don't you might get confused between the two Sara's.

The short, twelve year old kid had started looking at Chopper soon after the talk. For the longest time I didn't even realize this 'Dipper' kid had been there. I was still looking at them when something nearly knocked the air out of me. I turned my head to see a purple blob... Wait, no, a purple hair covered head.

"Jack! What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in, what, three years? Ever since you went back to Snowy Fields to help out I didn't think-" The girl hugging me said after she let her grip go and looked me in the eyes. "Wait a minute... You don't have white eyes.."

"Yeah... I don't... Thanks for noticing?"

At that she started looked at my clothes, playing with my hair, she even went as far as to snatch my staff away to look at it. After a few minutes of that she looked at me slowly.

"You're not Jack.. Are you?" She said, sounding slightly questioning tone.

"No.. Well, I am a Jack, but I don't think the one your looking for."

She was blushing now and handed my staff back to me. Considering how much purple she had on her, I was surprised her blush was still pink and not purple. She apologized in a bowing method, looking at me with a look that was hard to understand.

"You look so much like him..." She trailed off when she looked at me again.


"My older brother. He has white hair and eyes."

"Is he blind?" Another voice broke in, it was the reindeer doctor. Looks like he had finally tore away from the kids curiosity, but not for long because the kid started pestering him with questions again.

"He isn't," Replied Sara again, although it was to me and not to the doc. 

"Who is he? Maybe I know him?" I asked. It seemed reasonable to know somebody, considering I'm a guardian and all, especially somebody with my own name.

"His name is Jack Frostbite."

That was answered not by me, but Robin's laughter. I had showed up second after him and told him about being a guardian and wondered if the others would be able to see me, like him(Which they could.)

"I don't know what's more funny, that name or your so-called job!" The boy said in between laughing. That got a near ice shard to the foot. Which shut him up.

"Sorry, I don't know him." I said turning back to the purple haired girl, who wasn't there. She was talking to Sara.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Sara Nova. But you can call me Nova, it will be less confusing." The purple girl had said to Sara.

A loud clap, made everyone look at a rather serious looking girl, named  Nix.

"Now that we're all here. We need to talk."

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