Chapter 10: Sara Nova

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Quick Note: In the actual story Sara Nova will just be Nova. So, Sara Tinatti and Sara Nova don't get confused. But in this Nova will be Sara because of something else. Is this too confusing?

-----Nova's POV----- 

"My name is Sara Nova, I am the Crystal Holder from the small village of Novis."

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I looked around the dark room which I was in. I got up and started walking through the blackness until I came across the same seven figures as last time. I looked at them briefly before I continued walking. I came across him. Llana. His brown eyes slit and brown hair frilled up as he floated above the ground. He shot his energy beam at me, waking me up. I looked at the time. 10:58. 

"Darn it, Dr.Heather! Why didn't you wake me up at eight like I asked!" I yelled at her. I never yelled, especially not at the doctor. The dream is getting to me.

"I didn't want to wake you. You need your rest for this trip. Plus, you promised me you wouldn't rush yourself after that little accident with Zoey's beam." She said, still calm, and handed me my bag.

"She said it was fine! It's her fault for not telling me I shouldn't mess around with any broken wires!" What am I saying! I never blame any of my siblings, especially not Zoey. She's been closest of the sisters to me. I need to pull myself together! Even more so because I know it was my own fault I got hurt, and that the doc and Zoey were just trying to protect me.

I walked out to the Tree of Power, and into the room under it. The purple glow helped me feel better about yelling at Dr.Heather, it helped even more when I saw the Power Crystal, Nova. I walked up to the crystal and placed my hands on it, falling asleep again.

I woke up with the purple crystal in front of me, still shimmering. 

"Sara, it is good to see you are not to badly injured from the accident." Nova boomed through the darkness.

Sara was losing it. "It wasn't my fault! Why does everybody treat me like a baby! I'm 16 for crying out loud! Sure, I'm the newest to the Crystal Holders, but still! I can take care of myself!" I yelled, my voice echoed through the nothingness for a while until I came to my senses at what I had just done. I had just yelled at my mentor. I yelled at Nova. I fell to my knees. Nova might be a crystal, but I could feel her staring at me, if she had eyes I mean. "Oh no. I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it. I don't know what has been happening! Please forgive me!"

"It's ok, Sara. You're confused. This happens when your getting used to your powers. Now, please tell me why you came here." I'm lucky I got the understanding crystal for a mentor.

"I came to tell you I'll be leaving Novis for a little while." I said standing up. "I have had weird dreams, and I want to figure out what they mean. I'll be back, hopefully in time to spend Christmas with all of you. Dr.Heather, the crystals, my siblings, I'll get to see Jack! I haven't seen him in so long!"

"Very well. I hope to see you soon." She said. I turned to leave before I stopped at her words. "Don't get killed my darling, please." I smiled and started walking again until light filled my vision.

I was back in the cave under the Tree of Power. I got out and walked out of town. I stopped and looked back at the small harmless village, my home, Novis. 

"I will come back this time." I vowed out loud. I turned away again and started walking on to, who knows where.

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