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He leaned backwards in a reclined chair with his eyes closed, the picture of relaxation.

Maids busied themselves around him with all sorts of tasks to keep the young Shogun content; such as massaging his feet, painting his long sharp fingernails, brushing his flame red hair, or even something so cliché as hand-feeding him grapes.

As you can tell, the man liked the power he wielded.

The ornate gold plated doors to his private chambers opened with a creek and one of his servants collapsed to the jade floor in a steep and slightly shaking bow.

"Kid-dono, Killer-sama and the others have returned to the palace with a samurai for you."

Kid's eyes slowly opened and he blinked his golden orbs a few times before smirking at the prospect of a new samurai dog to break.

The Shogun let out a chuckle and stood, shooing away the maids. "Very well. I was getting bored anyways."

The servant bowed once more before leaving the Shogun's chambers and closing the doors behind him.

Stretching, the young man walked towards his closet and removed the simple silk robe he had been wearing and replaced it with a simple, yet richly elegant red and gold kimono that hung loosely off of his frame, showing off his chest and every scar that littered it.

He remained barefooted and didn't bother to put on any pants beneath his outfit as he left his dressing room.

He strode to his vanity next, the three large mirrors welcoming him with his own reflection.

His most trusted advisor- Killer- didn't seem to get it, but there was something about the golden vanity that Kid loved.

Kid and Kid alone was the only one to ever apply his makeup.

Dipping his pinky finger into a little jar of rouge, Kid carefully applied the paint to his lips before dusting the same color around his eyes.

A golden comb completed the outfit as he slid it through his hair to keep the ruby locks from falling into his face.

When he was younger and still just a meager warlord, Kid had often used an old pair of goggles for such a purpose, but he had risen in ranking and now enjoyed every luxury of an emperor.

With a wicked grin at his own reflection, the Shogun rose and made his way to the palace's vast dining hall, all the while wondering what this new samurai dog would be like.

Entering the dining room, Kid was surprised to find a man who couldn't have been much older than him with feathery black hair and a skin tone that could be classified as nothing short of caramel. He had two gold earings per ear and wore a simple yellow and black kimono, speckled at the bottom with black leopard spots.

When the man noticed Kid, he smirked and stood from his seat cushion to bow, making Kid notice the long sword strapped to his back.

"Greetings." The samurai's voice was pleasing to listen to, but it held a hint of amusement in it that made Kid frown.

The samurai's smirk remained as he straightened up from his bow. "My name is Law."

Kid's eyes narrowed. "What's so funny, Law?"

The samurai's smirk never wavered as he sat back down without permission. "It's nothing. I've just never met a Shogun who dresses like an empress."

Kid's molten orbs widened and he gripped the back of his throne with a claw-like hand in anger before calming slightly and easing himself into the seat.

He glared down at Law as the man grabbed a sake cup and began to drink.

A flash of something dark caught his attention as the Shogun grabbed his own sake cup.

"You have tattoos." He observed, raising the brim of the cup to his painted lips.

Law blinked for a moment and held out one hand, as if only just noticing the black ink.

"So I do." He muttered, then turned back to the food that had been brought in by Kid's servants.

"So, are you some sort of criminal?" The redhead questioned, still not having touched his food. "Only criminals or those of royal blood get inked."

Law shrugged as he ate. "I was once hired by a royal family. They gave me tattoos as payment."

Kid's eyes narrowed further. The story was most likely a fabrication of some sort...

His eyes trailed on the samurai for a little while longer until the dark skinned male's eyes began to droop slightly and he yawned.

"You must be tired." Kid stated, standing. Law nodded and the door to the dining hall opened, revealing Killer. Kid extended a hand to his advisor.

"Killer will show you to your room. Have a good evening, Law."

It must have been his vocal inflection that gave the young Shogun away, because Law's eyes widened as soon as Killer gripped his shoulder.

Kid watched in amusement as the samurai began to struggle sluggishly and tried to draw his sword, but to no avail. He had been too hungry to notice that his food had been laced with a powerful sleeping draught.

The more he struggled, the faster it spread.

Soon enough, Killer hefted the unconscious samurai over his shoulder and turned to the young Shogun for orders.

Kid reclined in his throne and waved a hand dismissively. "Throw him in the pit with the others. Oh, and I want him to be competing tomorrow."

The masked man nodded respectfully and left the dining hall, leaving the young Shogun to anticipate what the next day would bring.

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