• 7 • "Sorry" •

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I forgave Denki and we talked for a while. "Hey Denki?" I said but with curiosity. "Hm?" Replied Kaminari. "Why'd you push my off the stairs?" I asked. He checked on his tea and looked at me. "S-Sorry." I stuttered. "It's fine. The reason why I pushed you off the stairs is because... I liked you for a while and I was mad because you are in a relationship with... Todoroki." He sighed with tears in his eyes. I widen my eyes and hugged him. "I'm so sorry for not realizing but... I love Shoto... please forgive me." I breathed. He nodded and then grabbed his food. He threw it in the trash with I stood up and went to the door. "Boom." "A-Ahh! Sorry I should've watched where I was going!" I apologized. "It's okay pumpkin~" Shoto forgave me. "Shoto?" I sighed. I kissed him and hugged him. After School. (In their dorms _w_)
I went into my dorm laying on my bed. "Gosh I'm tired." I thought to myself. I took off my shoes and backpack. I went into the bathroom taking off my clothes and putting them in the laundry. I took a shower. After my shower I wore my robe and slippers. I went on my bed and took my phone out. I texted Todoroki if we could hangout.

Y/N: "Can we hangout?"

Shoto: "I'm sorry Y/N, I'm hanging out with Momo and Midoriya right now."

Y/N: "Oh okay, have fun."

Shoto: "Thanks baby, I owe you something~"

After Texting

"Wow he didn't even invite me." I thought to myself. I fell asleep at 8:15 P.M. I woke up hearing a knock on my door. I got out of bed and went to my door. It was Shoto, I opened the door and saw him. "Oh hello Shoto." I mumbled. "Can I come in?" He asked curiously. I nodded and let him. "So what's up?" I asked. He looked at me then hugged me. I closed my eyes, then hugged him back. "I... I'm sorry for leaving you out." He apologized sadly. I widen my eyes. "Huh? You didn't do anything silly..." I tried to tell him. I forgot about you.
"It's fine, atleast you're here." I sighed. He nodded and smiled, "Okay I think it's time for you to go now Todoroki." I said, trying not to cry. He nodded then left.

⚠️ TW! ⚠️

This part has harming , size problems , cutting , depression . If you don't like any of this , I suggest you to skip this chapter . You have been warned !


After he left I was a crying mess. I went into the bathroom and looked at myself. "WHY DOES HE LOVE ME?!" I sobbed. I took my shirt off revealing my bra. I looked at my stomach feeling disgusted that I've gained 40IB (40 punds). I grabbed a pocket knife that I snuck in my cabinet. I cut lines on my wrists crying but smiling. "He shouldn't be with me." I thought to myself. I kept cutting and crying. I had a panic attack, "Gosh..." I whispered. I put bandages on my cuts and wore my f/c (favorite color) hoodie. I opened the door and fell asleep.

Next Day~ <3

I woke up and got off my bed. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I put my hair in a messy bun since my hair was messy. It was Friday so we had a day off. I grabbed the razor and cutted my other wrist. I smiled lightly, until I heard a knock. I slightly jumped and dropped the razor. I didn't know that my door was unlocked so Shoto got in my dorm and looked around my room. "Y/N?" Asked Shoto. My eyes widen while I quickly wrapped my wrists and opened the door. "Y-Yes?" I asked while closing the door behind me. "Oh hey Y/N. I was wondering if you would like to go to the beach with the class?" He asked. My eyes widen, "Uh... will Mr. Aizawa let me deny...?" I asked. He nodded and smiled. "You don't have to come if you don't want to, but you'll miss out the fun!" He explained. I nodded my head as a "yes". I decided to come, I tried to find a swimsuit that hides the wrists. "I'll get a one piece swimsuit and... bandages covering my wrists I guess..." I said in my head. I came out of my dorm and went to the office. "Hello Miss, I'm going on a trip with my class." I told the office lady. "Class?" She asked. "1-A." I replied. She nodded then let me go outside. We went on the bus and had our science seats. I was next to Todoroki. I smiled at him and asked, "Todoroki I have a question." He looked at me then replied with, "Hm? What is it pumpkin?" I took a big breath. "What if I told you I... cutted?" I asked nervously. He widne his eye then took my wrists. "I-I didn't cut though...!" I yelled quietly. He opened the bandages revealing the cuts. He completely blanked out. "..." Silence came out of his mouth. "I... I'm s-s-so... sorry I didn't m-mean to..." I stuttered. He hugged me tightly and kissed me on the forehead. He had tears in his eyes and still was hugging me. "W-Why..?" He asked. There was silence until we arrived. He showed my cuts to Mr. Aizawa. Shota Aizawa's eyes widen, "Y/N you did that?!" He yelled. I nodded nervously and closed my eyes.

Cliffhanger sorry ;)

1628 words
Class skipped: 1 (because school ended 😌)
Chores skipped: 5

I might post the next chapter later since I'm way too busy with life. Hope you all understand! Love you all so much! <3

- Toyko 💜💛💖

&quot;You're Mine Forever...&quot; TodoBaku (Sometimes) X Female Reader • Some 18+ PartsWhere stories live. Discover now