Chapter 3: Diluc?

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Third POV:

(Y/n) was adventuring around the city and outside of the city, since she wanted to get away from the three guys (*Cough* Kaeya, Venti and Aether *Cough*) that for some reason, just wanted to constantly hang out with her. It was easy for her to get away from them since it's just the three of them, and she hopes it stays like that whenever she wanted to get away from the guys.

'I know that Diluc works at the winery, but should I meet him early or continue on with the plot line? I mean the story is already messed up, and apparently Paimon doesn't even exist! Is it because I'm a replacement of Paimon or something? Agh.. I don't know... I don't know anymore.. and the plot line is somewhat still the same but with extra things in it and I noticed that some of the characters are acting strange around me' (Y/n) felt her head hurt thinking about this so she first thought about going to the tree Venti showed her when they first met, but thought how Venti was probably there waiting for (Y/n) to show up at any moment. So she just went closer to the lake that surrounds Mondstat and she watches the little fish swim around, "I wonder what will happen now, everything that has happened so far.. I just gotta hope for the best that the story plot will stay the same..." (Y/n) mutters to herself as she lightly touches the water with the tip of her fingers.

'I wish I can ever walk on water like Jesus or like those beautiful anime women' (Y/n) thought as she got up and made her way back into the city, but she stopped herself from going in any farther 'I should really venture around outside of Mondstat a lot more, ever since I came here I barely went out while Aether was doing most of the adventuring..' She decided to go to the bridge instead of the entrance of Mondstat. But for some reason she was spacing out randomly, so her foot lead her aimlessly around the forest but she snapped out of it once she heard some hilichurls. So (Y/n) got into her fighting stance as she brought out her two pistols that was ready to shoot any hilichurls, with that she started to run at them while shooting any hilichurls in the head that got too close to her.

 "Aww.. I was hoping for a more challenging fight" She pouted while the hilichurl's body were forming into ashes "Man, you sure are scary when you fight solo" (Y/n) jumped a little at the sudden voice but turned around to realize that it was just the green bard "Oh, its just you Venti. What do you need, and why are you out here?" "I don't need anything but shouldn't I ask you the second question? Why are you even out here, you usually stay in Mondstat while Aether and some of the knights would go out and do a quick patrol or just adventure around" Venti said as he looks at her with a suspicious but playful stare "Were you just lazy to venture around?" He tried guessing "No you tone deaf bard, I was thinking about a lot of things. But I got too caught up into thinking until I realized that I barely did anything that included adventuring, so here I am deciding to do something... productive?" (Y/n) was unsure if adventuring around was anything productive, but she knows that stalling here was definitely not productive so she decided to walk away without letting Venti respond back to her.

"Hey wait! What's with the 'tone death bard' and why are you suddenly wanting to be productive?!" Venti said out loud as he was running up to the (h/c) hair girl "I don't know, I just wanted to call you that and I wanted to do something instead of just sitting around" She calmly replied back, but decided to walk faster "but why are you following me?" (Y/n) asked because all she wanted to do is some solo adventuring without anyone around "I don't want m'lady to get hurt, so I'll just be here with you in the meanwhile~" He said as he gives her a innocent smile 'I need to find a way to make him lose me!' She thought as she started to speed up her pace more. Venti ended up doing the same as he speeded up his pace as well, at this point (Y/n) had a plan. She had these small smoke bombs that she had made yesterday, so she decided to grab out one of the smoke bombs and threw it down and while that was happening she took the chance to quickly run away. After running for what it felt like centuries, (Y/n) thought she was far enough from Venti so she decided to take a rest at a nearby tree.

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