Chapter Five: Don't go

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How much angst can I put into this? Alot. Like literally alot. But, don't worry there's fluff too.


Shougo lay in bed, listening to the sounds of fighting. His mother was shouting, his father began laying into her, and the screaming would start. She cried, he seethed, and Shougo pushed his face into his older brother's back while his older brother slept through everything.

Shougo wasn't able to sleep. He never was.

Instead, he would think to himself how when his mother would leave. He would go with her, flee the violence.

Then one day, she did leave.


"Mom!" Shougo reached out to her. "Don't go! Please don't leave me! Please, I-"

"I don't need you." She glanced down at him coldly. "You're worthless."

'It's all your fault!'


Shougo bolted up. Gasping for air, trembling and sick to his stomach.

He was still in Ryouta's room with the Miracles fast asleep in their sleeping bag bundles surrounding the bed.

A wave of nausea hit him. Shougo stood up, one hand over his mouth while the other gripped on the nightstand as his knees threatened to buckle under him.

He slowly made his way to the bathroom, being extra careful not to wake up the Miracles.

Shougo didn't get to close the door. His stomach wrenched, and he was on his knees, forcing out a gag with his heart pounding in his ears and his hands gripping the edges of the toilet seat until his knuckles turned white. He gagged again, vomit spewing out of his coughing and choking mouth.

After that, everything twisted into a blur as his stomach heaved a second time. Then a third, his body shaking as more vomit filled the toilet.

Some time in that time frame, he heard Atsushi's voice.

"Hai-Chin? What are you-Oh!" He kneeled down next to him, rubbing soothing circles in Shougo's back as Shougo continued to empty out his stomach.

Usually, when Shougo got sick. He would take care of himself or more like his father would always lock him in the basement and only let him out when he was deemed well enough.

But now....

He had the Miracles taking care of him.

Shougo couldn't understand why. He thought they hated him. And-

By the time Shougo was finished emptying out his stomach. The others started to wake up.

"Shougo-Kun?" That was definitely Ryouta. "What's going on?"

"Hai-Chin's still not feeling well," Atsushi spoke, he moved a little. Shougo whimpered and with trembling hands grasped at Atsushi's shirt, burying his face into his chest and refusing to let go.

"Aww, poor Shougo-Kun." Ryouta crouched down in his pyjamas, rubbing his back comfortably. "Are you okay?"

The only response he got from Shougo was a whimper as his grip on Atsushi tightened.

"Murasakibara," This time, it was Shintarou who spoke, standing at the door also in his pyjamas and with the rest behind him. "Take Haizaki back to bed. I'll recheck his temperature in a bit."

"And I'll go make Shougo-Kun chicken soup." Ryouta stood up, running off to the kitchen.

"Oi, Kise, don't you dare!" Daiki went after him while Tetsuya and Seijuurou glanced at each other, deciding it wasn't a good idea to have both Ryouta and Daiki in the kitchen and went after them.

Shintarou started rummaging through Ryouta's medicine cabinet as Atsushi picked up Shougo and carried him back to bed.

He tried to detangle Shougo's limbs off of him. But- "Nuuuuuu," Shougo whined in a barely-there voice, begging him to stay and letting out soft pleading whimpers. "D-Don't...Don't go. Don't leave me. Plea...Please, don't leave me."

"Okay," Atsushi stated softly, gently putting Shougo down onto the bed, being extra careful not to jolt any of his wounds, and getting in himself.

Shougo snuggled closer to Atsushi before curling his fingers in Atsushi's shirt and hanging on with loose fists like a baby as he drifted off to sleep.

Atsushi glanced at Shougo as Shougo began to snore softly.

He's never expected Shougo of all people to be clingy while sick.

It was surprising, but cute.

Shougo, in general, reminded him of a five-year-old. A really grumpy five-year-old with a potty mouth and even though Shougo was anything but innocent.

Atsushi felt the urge to protect him.

He would crush anyone who would hurt Shougo.


That was a promise.


Like yes Atsushi. Pls, protect shou. FROM ME.

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