F i v e

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You kissed me today. You told me you loved me. You told me you would never leave me and that you would always be right here.

But you know what I did?

Nothing. I didn't say i loved you back, cause i was scared.

But I love you Adeline.

I've loved you since the day i met you, And I've always been to scared to admit it.

I love the way you smile. I love the way you laugh. I love that tingly feeling i get around you. I love the way you look at me with such and such grace and such hope.

But there's no hope in me Adeline.

Like you said I'm drowning in my oceans now.

The only thing keeping me sane is you. You make it all feel better. You help me trust. And i love you Adeline. I love you more than anything.

And I hate myself because I will never be good enough for you. You deserve someone that kisses you, hold you close, and actually says they love you back.

You cried so much after wards and I did nothing about it. I heard your cries from the other room and I didn't come and comfort you. I'm the reason you cried Adeline and I can't forgive myself for it. How could I make an angel cry?

I'm such a monster.

The worst thing is I could have just said it right there Adeline! It was the perfect chance for me to tell you. And I blew it.

I hate myself. I hate everything about me. How can you love me?! I'm a disgrace. I deserve to die Adeline. And you hate yourself because of me admit it.

You give me so much, and i give you nothing. I'm a lost hope. There's no swimming back up to the shore anymore. Because now I'm trapped. The ocean has froze over now leaving me trapped underneath the water...

~Harry styles (1/28/15)




I hope you liked this chapter, sorry if it's not edited great, i really just wanted to get this up as soon as possible.

Please comment and vote i love seeing feedback (:

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