Season 5 of Nexo Knights didn't come out, so I decided to do it myself the way I think it would be (or similar). CONTAINS CLACY (CLACY4EVER💙❤);) (Also a bit of Rova; Ava and Robin) Clay is my favorite character, so it will mainly focus on him and M...
This is not another chapter :v I just wanted to show you my nexo knights characters in Gacha Life. Maybe you don't know about the aplication, but I'll so it to you, because I want to xD First I'll show you Lance :v Tell me if you like it, and if you don't, I'll change him. Here he is...
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He's without his helmet, but if I put it, you couldn't see well his face. Now, Axl...
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I didn't find his real hair! I'm sorry about that. Next, Aaron...
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I know! Aaron has a little beard, but I can't find it :v Now Macy...
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